Because there is a year-long history of some Velocity team members playing favorites, scrubbing contributions from contributors in a biased manner, adding sexist and harassing language to package names and APIs, and making Velocity inappropriate for use in enterprise environments. There was a blatant power grab around the ‘officially sanctioned’ testing framework, and it played out in a typical sexist boys club manner. Typical.
Now that StarryNight can produce basic FDA compatible documentation, and provides an isomorphic API that is committed to avoiding non-inclusive language, I’m beginning a call-to-action to scrub any documents that go into the guide of language that can get flagged by an HR department.
I respect the fact that there are some people with egos and reputations on the line who want to save face. So, I’m not doubling down on the muckraking, and am giving them time to update APIs, documentation, and package names. But they certainly didn’t respect my contributions during Velocity development, so I’m not backing down either. Calling out inappropriate language is necessary in order to raise the bar with regard to professional language.
And I’m not just complaining from the peanut gallery. We’re providing an alternative solution, with working examples and documentation via an entire release track. Velocity may have been designed with industry ‘best-practices’ in mind; but if industry best practices mean bro-culture and harrassing language, you better damn believe that some of us will rally the funds and resources necessary to produce an alternative option that complies with federal regulatory approval processes and has inclusive language.
Having worked 15 years in QA and testing, and been involved with clinical trials and FDA approval of drugs and devices, in all that time, I never once had to ‘spy’ or ‘mock’ anything, nor use ‘cucumbers’ or ‘jasmine’ in a hospital or clinic. Not before Meteor. So I’m calling that language out as not being a best practice. It’s certainly not the healthcare industry’s best practice.
The state of the testing ecosystem is that there is now an FDA ready testing solution available. Some of us want to see the language cleaned up in the broader testing ecosystem; so we’re beginning the process of stating grievances and proposing an alternative solution. From here on out, there is a higher standard available.
ps: I personally don’t have any particular problem with chimp, or the technologies behind velocity and chimp. StarryNight uses most all of the same technologies, in fact. I and my clients do care about federal regulation 21CFR820.75, having verification and validation tests, a clean isomorphic API, printing test results to white paper, and being able to run the test runner on common 3rd-party continuous integration service providers. We’re starting from the assumption that there will necessarily be thousands of validation test scripts as part of any app, and clients will want to shop around for CI servers. That’s how our industry operates. But since the self-appointed leaders of the ‘official testing framework’ decided those concerns weren’t valid, were speaking up, putting our money where our mouth was, and providing an alternative testing solution for the clinical track.