Upcomming changes in Galaxy


like probably many of you, I got this mail from Galaxy:

Starting on 25/September/2021, Galaxy will implement the following changes to its infrastructure.

  • Disable HTTP 1.0 protocol support
  • Galaxy Sticky cookie will have a secure flag for force-ssl enabled domains
  • HSTS will be sent for every force-ssl enabled domains
  • Removal of some supported ciphers.

The thing is: I don’t have a clue as to any of those bullits :frowning:
I assume I;m fine, hosting a simple application on Galaxy, but how can I check?
I’m, for instance, not sure what version of the HTTP protocol I use? I don’t know if I use a “Galaxy Sticky cookie”, nor am I sure if HSTS will hurt me if I do not pay attention :rofl:

Basically: what do these changes mean for normal operation - can anyone explain?

And: Galaxy, please provide a bit more info! I’m not in de hosting business - that’s why I pay you :kissing_heart:


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You’re probably good.
One way you can check it to try deploying the same project to the latest and clicking around a bit.


Hi, you can open a ticket at support@meteor.com so we can check your domains and if they are receiving requests that would be affected by these changes.

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