Using Google maps js api with Cordova

So there is support for this, but for some reason Meteor.isModern is false on localhost. We need to find out how this changes.

@receptim yes, so far, it’s actually only 1 function that fails in the cordova bundle.

See our last post in this thread here: Client Architecture / clientArch / web.browser.legacy - #8 by burni13

We’re a bit skeptical just forcing the modern package like that will have no side effect (mostly on older phones).

So either we try to override the function that fails (not sure yet between Object.entries() or Map.entries() ).

If there’s no easy or risky way, we’ll just switch to Leaflet.js until Meteor supports Google Maps in Cordova.



Ok we’ve done more testing:

1-We’ve overridden Object.prototype.entries which fixed this specific error message but then it failed on Object.prototype.keys . So far, we’ve stopped working on that.

2-Based on @matheusccastro 's recommendation, we’ve downloaded Maps’s JS API 3.56 as a local npm and made it ‘compile’ by Babel.

This works but it has a serious issue, it could stop working anytime because Google says it’s not supported and they don’t allow caching for more than 30 minutes. So when it stops working, we’ve got to run to build a new version. So it’s probably not ‘stable’ enough to go for prod.

So we’ve ended up opening an issue with Meteor :

which seems to be related to another one that was open in January and got no answer at all:

so unless Meteor teams “fixes” that bug in Cordova’s bundle, we find another solution, we’ll probably have to switch to Leaflet in prod until Meteor supports Google Maps under Cordova again.

Just posting here to confirm that Google Maps is not loading successfully in the legacy bundle of Meteor. Our solution is not to load Google Maps when Meteor.isModern is false and show a message instead. This works for us (on web) as legacy is a small percentage of our users and the use of the maps is not central to the app.

I can see how this is a big issue with cordova given that it loads the legacy bundle. I am not sure if anybody is still around to know why this is the case.

The best route here is to fork Meteor, force modern bundle to cordova and test. That can help give more data for consideration to the Meteor team (who are focused in delivering 3.0)

I haven’t develop for cordova for quite a while now but checking the supported android devices, seems like the reason of supporting very old android devices is now moot with the restrictions set for the android api level. I am not sure how it looks like at iOS.

But that might be enough to start supporting the modern bundle for cordova (or at the very least, make it a config).

@rjdavid: would you happen to know where we could make the change (in a fork) to force the modern bundle in cordova’s bundle ?

I don’t. The build packages are an excellent place to start

hi @paulishca ,

Thanks a lot for your interest and help! We’ve just tested that and what it does is only set the variable Meteor.isModern = true in the client. So it says it’s “modern” but the bundle is still based on legacy.

We’re still searching in the code where the build of the bundle is done.

We’re not sure it’s going to be easy as all packages in /Users/fafafa/.meteor/packages do have different sources for :

web.cordova-legacy (yeah, that exists!)

which probably means the required change to build a modern-like bundle for cordova is deeper/wider than just changing one value somewhere.
we’ll get back as soon as we find something useful!

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So far, we found that errors were because of overrides of Map and Set so we disabled them as described in this thread on github : Google Maps JS API will stop working in Cordova in May for iOS+Android · Issue #13094 · meteor/meteor · GitHub

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Confirm the disabling overrides in ecma_runtime_client makes maps work. Thank you @burni13 for sharing it.
I did face some compilation challenge, but eventually got it sorted.

Can you show me the directory containing the data of ecmascript-runtime-client? is it in C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\ecmascript-runtime-client ?

Can you specify how to fix it?

Do you fix it anywhere else? it doesn’t work for me :frowning:

What is the error you are getting …Have you removed the older changes where map version was fixed

did you recompiling package? I run meteor add ecmascript-runtime-client then I just edited like your code

, but it got error like this : > I20180530-22:25:20.691(2)? 05-30 22:25:17.987 21623 21623 I chromium: [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0

I20180530-22:25:20.692(2)? 05-30 22:25:18.300 21623 21722 E chromium: [] Cannot start http server for devtools. Stop devtools.
I20180530-22:25:20.692(2)? 05-30 22:25:18.826 21623 21623 I MeteorWebApp: Serving asset bundle with version: 8057c556a035454d9f2c44dd8c43e4b340ec5244
I20180530-22:25:20.692(2)? 05-30 22:25:19.477 21623 21732 E chromium: [ERROR:BudgetService.cpp(160)] Unable to connect to the Mojo BudgetService.
I20180530-22:25:20.693(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.369 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(652)] “Uncaught Error: Cannot find module ‘core-js/modules/es7.array.flatten’”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/modules-runtime.js?hash=59942621baf2d3ff23916a0f601008fd2e310b63 (652)
I20180530-22:25:20.693(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.370 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(20)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Symbol’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/base64.js?hash=70034bf297d812d5eea319d7eab8841e8009be3d (20)
I20180530-22:25:20.693(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.384 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Base64’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/ejson.js?hash=7587586380ce943e916a569cb87a4487a2c97889 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.694(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.384 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘EJSON’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/diff-sequence.js?hash=9744098811e6a7f11abf1872a0689a21e3766407 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.694(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.385 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘EJSON’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/id-map.js?hash=73c7b30c5c3b42f275ffa8e279c9ab7d526e38da (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.694(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.401 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(20)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Symbol’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/random.js?hash=3a0a1fb2f692cc600789180c65e0614eb4d1945a (20)
I20180530-22:25:20.695(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.402 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘EJSON’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/mongo-id.js?hash=2f2a83467fca25b9f42f5bfaef5abe29526393e5 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.695(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.403 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(20)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Symbol’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/ordered-dict.js?hash=6effe900e78276f8fb4fcdfcd45c649cb21fe50e (20)
I20180530-22:25:20.695(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.403 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(20)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Symbol’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/tracker.js?hash=a0da2f3e7fbf7ea80d18148cb18ef900ea50c95d (20)
I20180530-22:25:20.695(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.434 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘DiffSequence’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/minimongo.js?hash=18352629137a3b94ee43f8994aec3f9d4fd225d7 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.695(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.435 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘EJSON’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/check.js?hash=7d8a6e550ea7ab9936e21a2d9bb76f12882fb043 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.696(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.435 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Random’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/retry.js?hash=b7e99dfd5eebf2adeecff68d150fc22e0d86f855 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.696(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.436 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(20)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Symbol’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/callback-hook.js?hash=8bdf3b5506fd2197bffa0db605fa422b9022fd10 (20)
I20180530-22:25:20.696(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.436 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘check’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/ddp-common.js?hash=eba4c7e6cb7e9e642d2a8baafe6a87a01d8ed9f0 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.696(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.450 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(20)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Symbol’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/reload.js?hash=96a42973e40fe6ee6372056266fe93b211f8b4f9 (20)
I20180530-22:25:20.697(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.450 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Retry’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/socket-stream-client.js?hash=5fe8c9352e76d5fe8e23319f5cafb419d460514f (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.697(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.467 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘check’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/ddp-client.js?hash=b5ccd2feefdc799477ec5f00c3c12d8a7f51fa50 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.697(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.468 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(14)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘DDP’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/ddp.js?hash=dae39f35e2956c6df4d8b9963eea38371d546176 (14)
I20180530-22:25:20.697(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.468 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘LocalCollection’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/allow-deny.js?hash=17efd8167bebe1f2018f9c642d8000a549d1fe26 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.698(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.484 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘AllowDeny’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/mongo.js?hash=7dae0d2bbf4992c92bbb005435b6ee27a23d13b2 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.698(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.485 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Tracker’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/reactive-var.js?hash=9f198731db45dae3de53bd7103e01e9421173e40 (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.698(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.501 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘EJSON’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/logging.js?hash=8c7fdcb63407aa4a3c7a70ff9ae4c6a66f15163f (17)
I20180530-22:25:20.698(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.517 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(18)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Tracker’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/reactive-dict.js?hash=e1f032cd2a48186f99b331b4f3017f1c1dbea988 (18)
I20180530-22:25:20.698(2)? 05-30 22:25:20.519 21623 21623 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(18)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘ReactiveDict’ of undefined”, source: http://localhost:12720/__cordova/packages/session.js?hash=0924da7b9d82f6c95b0c4eb141db786031915834 (18)

I use Meteor 2.8.2, cordova@10

what is Meteor Version you use?

Do the code change exactly as mentioned in

including the console statement. I too tried to remove but it was failing compilation.

yes, i do, but nothing change, i use ArcGIs API Javascript , here is error log : "Uncaught TypeError: r.keys is not a function or its return value is not iterable", source: (20)