Webpack compiler inside Meteor (ES6 modules, hot reload and code splitting!)

What if your project can have a startup.js file that would be loaded in Meteor without Webpack. Would it solve your problem?

Nope. Still doesn’t update the page =(

You might want to try the last version I just released. I’ve tried it on Windows and the hot-reload seems to work. However, it is significantly slower than with Mac or Linux. And it does seem to only work 90% of the time. That’s weird :confused:

Do I need to install anything? It’s still not working for me. The console says “Client modified - refreshing” but the client stays the same =/

That should fix it… basically if you could symlink or copy that startup.js file into the ‘meteor’ folder, that would startup at the normal time. Putting it in a lib folder would prob. be best.

Awrrr, I’ll try new things. It should work. CLI webpack watch is working fine with Windows :confused:.

The compiler will take care of it. No need to copy anything, it’s the beaty of plugging it directly with Meteor isobuild.

What if every startup.js files were processed by Meteor like a regular JavaScript file. Would it be problematic? The term feels generic to me.

I know how frustrating it is for you =/


Due to popular demand by @SkinnyGeek1010 @mquandalle @garrilla @none

Here is the kickstart-flowrouter project :smile:

Thanks to @arunoda for the FlowRouter. I would love your opinion on this!


Thankyou @benoitt
it’s much appreciated

Maybe a dumb question:
Would it work with Blaze (without react) ?

Sure, I don’t see why it shouldn’t work. You can remove the ReactRouterSSR, react… packages and just enjoy module import/exports.

But you won’t get improved reload times and most of the blaze extensions/libraries are available through the Meteor package system - These packages still exposes globals but can be used with “fake packages” (externals in webpack config)

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Yes it is possible. I think someone wrote something to use webpack hot module replacement with Blaze. Here is an example of Webpack with Blaze. You probably could adapt it to webpack:webpack.


I’ve made a major fix for building in production. It was taking forever and I couldn’t figure out why. Turns out private/webpack.stats.json was responsible for that. It was triggering a new build over and over. You can now access the global variable WebpackStats instead of reading the private file webpack.conf.js.

If you tried it in production mode before, you will see a huge improvement :smile:


Coool! I have to try this! (-:

Is it correct to say that modules is the equivalent of Meteor packages? So, for example, instead of adding a thereactivestack:todoapp you develop a module under ./modules: https://github.com/thereactivestack/kickstart-hugeapp/tree/master/modules/TodoApp.

And then the equivalent of doing meteor add thereactivestack:todoapp is doing import TodoApp from './TodoApp', right?

Also wondering how could it handle requires per module? For example, a certain module might require a Meteor or npm package, but avoid including the module dependencies, unless the module is imported somewhere in the app.

How do you debug server side code?
I tried:

  • meteor debug / node-inspector
  • WebStorm debugging

However, nothing works. Probably, I am donig something wrong. Could you tell me if server side debugging works for you? If so, could describe shortly steps that you take?

Thanks :wink:

if I add a react atmosphere package e.g. izzilab:material-ui
How do I import the react components?

Why would you want to do that instead of using the npm package?

I haven’t tried node-inspector yet but I suppose it is possible. It is on my todo list but I can’t help at the moment.

Exactly the same way you would with a regular Meteor project. YOu have access to global variables the package create. You can do like in their example:

const {
    } = MUI;