What a best alternative for FlowRouter now after lost arunoda and kadira?

Yet another abandonware. What if MDG takes over this project, there is no in-core/base package about routing for Meteor though.

That was kind of my point with my earlier comment

I’m not a very good developer but I try to contribute by digging as deep into issues as I can: https://github.com/kadirahq/flow-router/issues/551

I’d be more than happy to contribute $$ to a fund to keep flow-router alive, or bug bounties on issues relevant to me and others.

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I don’t know why people keep saying that. MDG has a huge investment in Galaxy. Galaxy is a PAAS for deploying Meteor apps only. Under these circumstances it appears to me that there is no way MDG is going to abandon Meteor.

Apollo is the #1 thing Meteor needs right now because it brings access to mySQL, Postgres and other databases. It makes total sense for MDG to focus the majority of its development efforts on Apollo at this time. That doesn’t equal abandoning Meteor. It equals working hard on Meteor.

I look forward to reading other opinions on this important topic.


Thanks for making things clear

what your advice now . what alternative should I use ?

Clearly, FlowRouter for Meteor/Blaze and React-Router for Meteor/React. We prefer Meteor/React.


Thanks alot
ok ,I will start in the Meteor/React direction

@maxhodges we don’t talk here just about Meteor core. We are talking about packages dependencies like Flow-Router. :wink:
I saw that Vue.js also very attractive. I think Vue.js and Vue-Router or React and React-Router is the future of this part and best alternative to Flow-Router because it has bigger community and more maintainer for example if we compare Flow-Router VS React-Router it’s a general results:

Github Stars: FlowRouter = 1019 < React-Router = 17956
Github Forks: FlowRouter = 129 < React-Router = 4222
Github Contributors: FlowRouter = 38 < React-Router = 344
Github Last Commit: FlowRouter = 8 months ago < React-Router = 8 days ago

So I think based on this thread until now react-router and vue-router are wins and both Blaze related router (IronRouter and FlowRouter) are loser.

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OK to be honest I have no experience with Vue. But it sounds pretty good. So I guess the best recommendation is:

  • FlowRouter for Blaze
  • Vue Router 2 for Vue
  • ReactRouter for React

I think the anxiety about FlowRouter is unfounded. People can build with it. It works and will continue to work, and if for some reason it stops working, it’ll get fixed. But it seem others want some kind of FlowRouter support SLA :wink: That’s possible too if people are willing to fund it.


I found [FlowRouter Extra](https://github.com/VeliovGroup/flow-router).

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Does anyone have any router suggestions for a mobile only map app using ionic & leaflet?

Great find. I use Veliov Meteor Mailer and I’ve contributed to it (awesome package btw). I find their devs replying very fast and to be very helpful. Last commit to Flow Router Extra was 10 hours ago, so that looks very good.

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We started off with Iron Router, but ran into counter-intuitive weirdness and so dropped it. We looked at the then-nascent Flow Router, but found its API a little clunky and Arunoda’s comments about future direction at odds with our goals.

Given a bias for Express’ elegance and a belief that, yes, a router should only route — we baked PageJS into a package (along with Express for a server-side REST API). We’ve tweaked PageJS to make it more Express-like, particularly with regard to error-handling, and I expect we’ll further that over time.

Thus, I’d recommend PageJS as an easily digested library that gets you vanilla routing client-side. I’m happy to post our router package if someone’s interested in using it.

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I’ve seen flow-router-extra is already mentioned here.
Thanks for everyone who already using it.

And everyone who is looking for up to date FlowRouter is welcome to try flow-router-extra. We keep all dependencies up to date, test it with every Meteor release, and publish updates when necessary.

Although it’s a fork of original FR, it’s extended with:

  • Latest features - ES6 Import support, latest qs and page NPM dependencies
  • Missed hooks - waitOn, data, onNoData and whileWaiting
  • Ability to preload Images, Fonts and other resources
  • No need to use BlazeLayout, efficient render with support of yield, layouts and with respect to requestAnimationFrame is build-in

Thanks to @theara for pointing me to this thread


It sounds good. :clap:
@dr.dimitru Thanks for join us in this thread with your awesome Flow-Router fork :wink:


Have you considered reaching out to @arunoda for maintenance rights in the original repo? This would avoid much of the mess associated with a transition like this (i.e migrating issues, broken links, promoting new namespace, etc.)

@ramijarrar I don’t think @arunoda seeking for merge. As he is not share my vision on some features - see this Twitter post

Anyways, @arunoda - if I’m wrong, I’m ready to merge and put my hands on original FR as maintainer

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Dimitriy, how do you address Arunoda’s points about waitOn essentially turning FR into IR?

I personally think waitOn was one of the most confusing (and UX harming) parts of IR, so putting it back is kind of going back on one of the main reasons to use FR. I think FR got one huge thing right: The router should act as just another source of data, rather than doing things like data loading etc.


imho, do not use it if you don’t need it.
Or it’s uncomfortable to know want such functionality is implemented?

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