After testing the IKEA Volmar(Link below with Norwegian price), although a pricey thing, I’ve never been happier. Back is straighter. I try to avoid any arm rests as I feel they often raise the shoulders too much, or make the chair a nightmare to tuck away.
Also, one thing I think matters as much as the chair is strengthening your back. Get a gym membership and a session with a PT to lay out a program to strengthen your back. I got a good program doing olympic lifting. Starting to look pretty beefy pretty fast. Back is better than it has been in a while. NOTE ON THIS: This is a permanent thing you have to do. You can’t beef up for 2 months and expect that to be enough for a couple of years… I don’t do it to look beefy. I do it to have a working back in 40 years.
However, in the laptop department I do everything I can to avoid using them. 1 hour on the bus and my neck can be messed up through most of the following day even… 5 years of uni has taken its’ toll on the brain attachment! ^^