He’ll come back saying it’s a huge risk. The reality is that it’s not.
AirBnB is using it. If Facebook was trying to use react as a way to sue and take over startups, they’d have taken over AirBnB and be reveling in the spoils…
and they’d have done the same with Asana, Atlassian, BBC, Chegg, CloudFlare, CNN.com, Codecademy, Coursera, Craftsy, Dailymotion, Dropbox, Expedia, Facebook, Feedly, Flipboard, HipChat, IMDb, Imgur, Instagram, Khan Academy, KISSmetrics, Mattermark, Minerva Project, Netflix, OkCupid, Rackspace, Rally Software, Ralph Lauren, Reddit, Redfin, Salesforce, Squarespace, The New York Times, Trunk Club, Twitter, Uber, University of Cincinnati, Venmo, WhatsApp, Wired, Wix, WordPress, Yahoo, Zendesk and everyone else using react.
But they haven’t.
So I think the 99.99999999% of developers using react on their revenue-less startups will most likely be okay… worrying about this is analysis paralysis at it’s best. analogous to fretting over unit tests for every single function in your MVP.
Beyond react’s utility to facebook and their type of app, most likely Facebook is putting react out there hoping it is widely adopted for other reasons. For one, it makes acquisitions 100X easier when the company you’re buying uses your entire stack/philosophy/architecture that you use.
Full Disclosure: I don’t even use react. I use Blaze and love it.