What is the alternative to bootstrap ? Which one do you use?

Thanks. No, I’m afraid it is not public.

I’m surprised no one has recommended Material-UI (spec by Google) as a competitor to Bootstrap. Personally, I think the android theme is very tight and the spec makes a lot of sense.
Here’s the react version: www.material-ui.com
Here’s the css only version: www.materializecss.com

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For this project (http://iscore.pt - portuguese only) I used Bulma, and love it. Bulma is a CSS framework based on Flexbox, as such, the sole output is a single CSS file: bulma.css. It’s still in early development, but what you get already from the framework is awesome.

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I was using Foundation (http://foundation.zurb.com/), it’s a good framework, but I’m not sure it’s the best way with Meteor. A lots of components requiere call reinitiate Foundation on template rendered to work fine (like bootstrap).

Any idea what to expect going forward from Bulma?

I’ve found Bulma to be terrific for layout however, in its current state, completely lacking in components! Great choice for React Native-esque sizing!

Hi Tom,

How you take care routing with F7? Are you using native F7 router or Meteor router (Iron Router or Flow Router)?

Last time I check it has routing issue with Meteor.

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Hey @jesperwe
Thanks for for sharing your experience! I have been trying to find the best combo for mobile apps using meteor and having a fast and responsive UI. Honestly I didnt know Framework7 and even happier to know you used Blaze as well! I am already having a look at this! You app looks pretty cool, love the 3d boxy effect

Maybe we should split this topic into alternatives for desktop and alternatives for mobile?

Current we are making “universal apps” which work across all devices–previously in bootstrap and presently in Semantic-UI. but lately I’m thinking it’s not the best approach. I’m starting to lean toward creating separate apps for desktop and mobile, and in that case I might use something like Framework7 for mobile but continue to use Semantic-UI (with React) for larger screens.

Here’s @arunoda’s thoughts on the topic which have influenced my own:

Framework7 should work well with FlowRouter and BlazeLayout. I used exactly the same method in my app (having the router render into a specific <div>), although I implemented the “router” myself since it was extremely simplistic (20 lines of code).

This will not give you the mobile “page stack” type navigation, but that could probably be achieved by a custom FlowRouter action that pushes and pops pages instead of using BlazeLayout.

I would guess that trying to use the F7 router could be more difficult, but that’s just a guess.

We are using FlowRouter as well as for React as for Blaze currently. New project is on ReactRouter - seems also to work.

At least we are following the guide “no universal app” but you will have to choose the right framework to not invest too much time for this. For our frontends we have 3 branches in our git - desktop, android, ios. But we do this overall in using FS7 and just adjusting the ui workflow and some stylings and some module updates.

Therefor FS7 was great for us, because switching the main theme gives a “native” look and feel for the mobile devices. Our desktop app is running with Material Design (we like that).

I guess, if you switch the frameworks you have really 2 times the same effort. You can’t share UI code between FS7 and SemUI - the struture is different - and IMHO it makes no sense. The framework to choose should be able to bring on the desktop, ios and android app.

For me, I am wondering why there is no IOS theme yet for Semantic UI - if so, we would like to an app with it once just for test.


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@jesperwe : Which FS7 repo do you use ? Link please.

Jeremy was keeping the roadmap in a Trello Board, but never happens there since the 7th of May: https://trello.com/b/5Lzqejo3/bulma-roadmap

Sorry but I’m not sure what you mean by “which repo”? You download F7 from http://framework7.io/

@jesperwe : I mean atmospherejs package.

Try Semantic-UI. It has a great community of developers behind it and has a very concise and clear API.

Use the framework7 NPM package:

npm install --save framework7

Then do

import 'framework7';
import 'framework7/dist/css/framework7.ios.min.css';
import 'framework7/dist/css/framework7.ios.colors.min.css';

in your main.js. Put the relevant parts from http://framework7.io/get-started/ Basic App Layout into your template, and in the onRendered() method you go

onRendered() {
   this.framework7 = new Framework7();
   var mainView = this.framework7.addView( '.view-main', options );
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Same here, we are using Semantic-UI and are loving it too (we used to use Bootstrap exclusively). What’s really nice about it is that it’s easy to customize and build it yourself. You simply select the features you want and build with gulp.

Sometimes people ask, how come there are no themes for Semantic? While technically you can create a theme, you don’t really need to. It comes pre-shipped with standard themes and you can customize to your liking very easily.

It’s missing one thing in my opinion, and that’s sliders, we use glidejs and it works well with it.

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yeah missing a whole ton of mobile-centric components too. I’m trying to convince the jlukic to focus on that.

Foundation Zurb Framework for Sites - “The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.”, they say.

Not a popular one, but I have been using for some years now and it is rock solid. Gets me up and running easily. Used Foundation in union with AngularJS and Firebase in a recent project.

You mention “well maintained” and “having more features”: Foundation is all and more.