Where I think Meteor is doing wrong with Blaze

lol’d if you think your startup will get anywhere with blaze, mvp maybe, anything more than that is actually suicide. Now is the perfect time to rewrite before no developer will ever understand that spaghetti code

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What about all the dependencies? I’m using Autoform and all the other packages, Blaze only! And what about Angular2? I’d rather use Angular2 that than React. Should I wait until Angular2 if fully baked and make the jump? This is going to be a huge job to port to Angular2.

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Buddy, Blaze is working great, no issues with it what so ever.

My application is large now and Blaze seems perfect so far, why is Blaze so awful to you?

My code is clean and the files are organized, what constitutes spaghetti code to you?

React looks much more spaghetti code to me and would be a nightmare it seems to maintain.

But Angular2 looks promising, and I would consider migrating to that tech before anything so far.

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If you work with more than a couple people you will know why. With blaze the template can call events on each other and can only share states through session variable, which is global. So anything can make any change to them anywhere. It is very very scary to have a project like that if you are going to have a team.

It’s not about if the “files” are organized, it is about the logic.

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I use ReactVar and ReactDict that’s local to the template to share state. If I need state across templates I use a well named global, I’ve had no issue so far.

I don’t understand this. I call events on templates all the time with no collisions. It works well in fact.

I have well named files, that are organized into events, and helpers, and initiators. The code/logic inside these files is clean and single focused. Nothing spaghetti about it.

Again why is Blaze so awful to you?


Are you serious? I refactored a one year old 40000 line blaze project into react just 2 months ago.

Yes i get you can do all that, but because you are only person on the project. As soon as you add more people you will know how bad it is to use session vars and have templates to able to trigger events on each other, and all kinds of race conditions that is impossible to debug.


I only asked because your feedback on Blaze seems baseless to me. It’s been wonderful to use. Blaze is not spaghetti code in and of itself.

Also global scoped variables have been around forever, sometimes you just can’t get away from them. React has them too no?

If you google the forums about react vs blaze you will know plenty of people only getting to understand why blaze is bad after your project had reach a certain size. It seems like you have a project that is manage by only yourself.

The problem is not that blaze is BAD, its that it let you do however you want it to do. There is no guideline to follow, data can go up, down and sideways. If you imagine each template like an object in a object oriented language, it’s like any object can just manipulate any other object in the system. Even worse, the other one doesn’t know where the manipulation is coming from.

React components are completely encapsulated. They are basically pure functions (View = function(state). I suggest you actually spend just 1 day create a small todo app with react on your own to see for yourself. I think you are the one making a lot of assumption here.

Again, its only working for you because you have complete knowledge of your app, and if we are taking about a start up, you think that will be the case when you grow your team in size?

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You are talking about code quality, that’s a different thing compared to saying it’s a bad tool. You see issues when a software team grows: yes, that happens always. If people use the tools wrong it will go down. No matter how great the tool.

There are some issue like all code being downloaded directly which may give issues. But it’s not as bad as you state it if working with care.


It’s a matter of vision. Many people consider mixing HTML with code ugly. The point here is not technology… it is consistency.

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PHP has the same freedom of do all you want. Bad-bad? Maybe so, but it became huge-huge and popular-popular. So, while there were always be clash of vision between freedom and demanded structure, changing course on a ship so fast that many fall off, is suicidal.

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I vote for Blaze, Blaze Blaze Blaze

Why waste all your money on React


Blaze is love <3

Blaze with manuel:viewmodel is double love <3 <4 <5

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Agreed with manuel:viewmodel Blaze is truly fantastic.