Where's the vision gone? Where ist the soul gone?

For me, there are indicators, that something is not going in the right direction. One of them is, that in the past, there where really cool videos and meetings and people on youttube. And more stuff. That all has gone to near zero. Why is this? Are you really only focus on a few of the developers, that are in direct contact with you?

that is the impression, that i have. You focused on a few, not really on the community. That’s at least, what’s my impression.


Certainly speaks for itself for all the people getting work done. Thanks for the backwards-compatibility work. The release cycle has been much better lately compared to the breaking releases earlier this year.


@lukasgrueter with only one person producing our events (me) alongside a host of other programs, the reason there have been fewer events lately is primarily bandwidth and timing. We look forward to kicking off 2017 with another Meteor Night in February. I think the idea that Sashko and I are only focusing on developers in direct contact with us, considering the considerable amount of time we spend on this forum communicating and addressing concerns, is a huge misrepresentation. Since forum responses seem to be easily lost - we are going to be focusing efforts on more regular updates reaching more people on the new blog. Hope you find that a good resource in the future.


Thanks everyone for voicing your concerns in this thread! We’ve read every response and value your feedback. Going forward, please open discussions around particular technical concerns in focused topics. Threads opened for the purpose of generally venting about the MDG or the framework aren’t a good use of this forum, and will be locked.