It’s not the same critique -like that Diaspora post-, it’s about flaws baked in the system that are inconsistent with what’s being advertised and explained in their own docs. I’m amazed at how even a technical article (maybe too technical) like that one doesn’t prevent the fanboyism of defending the status quo.
Frankly the story about scaling and distributed systems vs consistency is the same argument that gets rehashed over-and-over. It’s not even about performance, we know from benchmarks and real world apps that MongoDB is one of the slowest around (the WiredTiger engine they purchased last year is an attempt to improve performance but just at the storage layer). Nowadays there are many DBs that offer you both, and even the battle-tested PostgreSQL is offered as a truly scalable DBMS by many cloud providers such as AWS, Heroku, etc.
Nobody sane would pick (false) scalability promises over data consistency (again this is not a SQL vs NoSQL problem, just look at Cassandra), especially for a primary data source. Mongo can’t guarantee 2 properties of the CAP theorem at the same time but just one. Another post worth reading even though it’s older
and the followup
The advantage of Mongo for Meteor wasn’t really about NoSQL or (false) scalability but mainly the query language and APIs that are JavaScript and EJSON based. But again that is available in other DBs as well.
In the grand scheme of things this might even be in MDG masterplan: to get a reliable database you have to use our own Galaxy service for a premium.
Community efforts are great but this is not something that should be left out of core, again. It’s the very definition of core. An application-level transaction log like yours would unfortunately generate other problems and is pretty much useless if it’s stored on a DBMS with that kind of issues.
It’s even worst than the journaled HFS+ filesystem that Mac uses. The journal they added a few years ago is just a temporary patch on a bad, old design that can prevent some issues but doesn’t address the underlying problems. The HFS+ filesystem has bit-rot problems that are very well known, Apple in fact wanted to migrate to ZFS but licensing issues prevented them to release it on OS X. Hopefully the next OS X that will be presented on monday will finally get us that new Apple filesystem.
This might be one of the solutions, a MongoDB stand-in that’s faster and consistent: