The benefits of making the forums with Meteor would be huge. They’d be a perfect (official) showcase of Meteor.
I think that if it really was such a good idea, somebody would actually wrote it or at least started in these 4 months that passed. The fact nobody did speaks for itself.
Today there is Rocket.Chat. But for forums we would need something like NodeBB. I’m currently looking for something to integrate with Meteor and other apps as I need it for my startup and would rather use something than uses Meteor accounts and roles, rather than building something of my own.
Anyone has seen anything interesting?
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I believe Meteor is on a Discourse forum. In the past I had a Discourse forum on SSO with a Meteor project.
Here’s an example of creating a forum category from a Meteor method:
const headers = {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Api-Key': keys.apiSecret,
'Api-Username': keys.apiUsername
const api = {
listCategories: { method: 'GET', endpoint: 'categories.json' },
createNewCategory: { method: 'POST', endpoint: 'categories.json', params: { name: 'Some_Category', color: 'red', text_color: '#000000' } },
listTopicsInCategory: { method: 'GET', endpoint: `c/${5}.json` },
updateACategory: { method: 'PUT', endpoint: `categories/${5}`, date: { name: '', color: '', text_color: '' } }
new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'myMethod',
validate: new SimpleSchema({}).validator(),
run () {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
console.log(api.createNewCategory.params), `${urlRoot}/${api.createNewCategory.endpoint}`, {
data: { name: 'A_Category_Name' }
}, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
console.log('Error in MyMthod: ', err)
// Possible response: { statusCode: 422, content: '{"errors":["Category Name has already been taken"]}' }
} else {
// console.log(JSON.parse(res.content).category_list.categories)
That sadly doesn’t cut it for me as I need it to be integrated in my app.