Will JQuery and Underscore be Removed from Meteor?

ohh so i dont need to do this

  mounted() {
    this.$autorun(() => {
      this.connectionStatus = Meteor.status().status.toUpperCase();

I could do this

meteor: {
connectionStatus() {
      return Meteor.status().status.toUpperCase();

and then refer to it in my template with this.connectionStatus?


Yea that works … awesome.thanks for the info. thats way better :). Man i love Vue and Svelte so much. They both are so easy to use with Meteor

Exacly. Except within templates you don’t need the "this." prefix.

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Huge improvement. Thanks. I am building my application and then i want to write some blog posts about it. So people new to Meteor will have a medium sized application to look to for stuff like this as a guide.

Yeah, I love Vue with Meteor - perfect match. Svelte looks awesome too but I haven’t tried it in anger. I didn’t like React - too much boilerplate.

I also very much like pug which makes writing Vue templates much more concise. This is available with vue-pug.

Edit: another benefit of pug is that it compiles templates into html without any superfluous whitespace, which also makes your bundle size and dynamic imports a little bit smaller…

Yea i tried React first, and couldnt get the hang of it. I use Angular at work so i wanted to try Vue. And i love it. My favorite by far. But then i got hung up on getting SSR working in Vue and so I tried out Svelte for a bit and it was really great and really easy to port over my existing Vue Components to Svelte Components and they both just seem like such a natural fit with Meteor