_raix_push_app_tokens lost the token field randomly on Android devices

I’m using Meteor 1.2.1 and phonegap-plugin-push@1.3.0 to push notifications. Sometime there are many of tokens is lost although the users are still logging in. Almost of them appear on android devices.

I suspect these below code. But when I test, it do not fire.

Push.appCollection = new Mongo.Collection('_raix_push_app_tokens');
Push.addListener('token', function(currentToken, value) {
  if (value) {
    // Update the token for app
    Push.appCollection.update({ token: currentToken }, { $set: { token: value, updatedAt: new Date() } }, { multi: true });
  } else if (value === null) {
    // Remove the token for app
    Push.appCollection.update({ token: currentToken }, { $set: { updatedAt: new Date() } }, { multi: true });

Has anyone encountered this error yet? And how to fix it?

Thank for reading my topic!