I just tried updating to 1.8.3 and then the client web app won’t load because it can’t find jquery.
var DOMBackend = {};
Blaze._DOMBackend = DOMBackend;
var $jq = (typeof jQuery !== ‘undefined’ ? jQuery :
(typeof Package !== ‘undefined’ ?
Package.jquery && Package.jquery.jQuery : null));
if (! $jq)
throw new Error(“jQuery not found”);
I noticed there was a new 1.8.3-split-jquery-from-blaze entry in the .finished-upgraders file so I tried adding jquery back, both as an npm package and through meteor add jquery but I still get that startup crash (and I don’t even use Blaze so maybe I should get rid of it somehow except I don’t know how since it isn’t listed in packages).
Should resolve the issue (if I remember correctly you should be able to remove the Meteor version of jQuery now) . If not then there is probably another issue involved.
It seems that jquery is not included in the .meteor/local/build/programs/web.browser/app/app.js, I assume it’s stripped out since it isn’t explicitly referenced (I don’t know much about the meteor build process tbh).
Aha you need to both add the meteor jquery package and the npm jquery package (through npm or yarn).
After I did that (meteor add jquery), things now work again.