[$10 Course] Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Real World Projects

For only $10, you can learn Meteor by building 10 real world example applications. The real deal!

Has anybody here bought the course?

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I got in via Kickstarter a while ago. My impressions are generally positive when it comes to this course.

What I liked about it was that I was exposed to several different app structures and packages so now I have more comprehensive knowledge of Meteor’s ecosystem and possibilities within it. The only negative aspect of it is that there’s no video subtitles (I’m hearing impaired), but despite that, I still learned a lot from this course, so don’t let that detract you from getting into it!

I feel confident enough to join the upcoming hackathon in October after this course, so that’s something! :smile:

Does this course use Blaze? What router does it use? It doesn’t use Angular right?

Yup, Blaze and Iron Router. Angular wasn’t used in this course.

Lol, that Angular Hater