404 (Not Found) on android and ios, but OK in browser


I have a problem when I run my android app and adnroid and iOS, it does not seem to be able to connect to http or https

the app is very basic:

  {{> hello}}

<template name="hello">
    <img class="ui small image" src="https://d14jjfgstdxsoz.cloudfront.net/og-image-logo.png" />

the app works fine in the chrome browser and the image displays OK, but when I run and ios or android:

  • meteor run android
  • meteor run ios

The image does not display and the chrome inspector show the following error

GET https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin 404 (Not Found) meteor.local/:23

METEOR CORDOVA DEBUG (autoupdate_cordova.js) cordova.file.dataDirectory is null, retrying in 20ms autoupdate.js?8b3731143e5fd73e9db3f53da3189f79c823d5d7:341
GET https://d14jjfgstdxsoz.cloudfront.net/og-image-logo.png 404 (Not Found) jquery.js?dd8bac56f8fd3666d433d2285ae01e52597cc51a:5628
METEOR CORDOVA DEBUG (autoupdate_cordova.js) Successfully removed an old cache folder c854bfad58360c7a8ac64a66a886199eb7d84d4c autoupdate.js?8b3731143e5fd73e9db3f53da3189f79c823d5d7:44

can someone please help?

found the solution:

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