Anyone else getting this error message with Galaxy? It just randomly started doing this.
2017-05-09 22:04:24-04:00/app/ line 25: 9 Killed node ${NODE_OPTIONS:-} main.js
Anyone else getting this error message with Galaxy? It just randomly started doing this.
2017-05-09 22:04:24-04:00/app/ line 25: 9 Killed node ${NODE_OPTIONS:-} main.js
Came here for the same issue. I’m seeing The container is being stopped because Galaxy is replacing the machine it's running on.
but it never comes back on. How can I ensure this doesn’t happen again?
I redeployed my app to Galaxy and it’s working fine now. I would also like to know how I can ensure this doesn’t happen again. It’s odd this happened to both of us at the same time. Hmm.
Ah, that might be your issue, but I got a different error message (no “out of memory” just “Meteor is replacing the machine”).