I use an old package called meteorhacks:ssr for generating html strings from templates for documents and email. It has worked well for years but if I update to the recent release, the ssr package breaks because SpacebarsCompiler is undefined. Apparently this used to be a variable in global scope that is now an export. I have two questions.
- Is there a more modern way to to do ssr in meteor using only blaze.
- When I try to rewrite the package and import the required variables, in a meteor server side js, it doesn’t work. i.e. import { SpacebarsCompiler } from “spacebars-compiler”. How can I import from these indirect dependencies or do I have to add the entire blaze universe as a direct dependency.
This app was generate 6 or 7 years ago
The dependencies from meteor list are below. I am assuming it gets blaze from iron or meteor indirectly somehow.
accounts-base 1.8.0 A user account system
accounts-password 1.7.0 Password support for accounts
alanning:roles 3.2.3 Authorization package for Meteor
check 1.3.1 Check whether a value matches a pattern
dynamic-import 0.6.0 Runtime support for Meteor 1.5 dynamic import(...) syntax
ecmascript 0.15.0 Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files
email 2.0.0 Send email messages
fourseven:scss 4.12.0 Style with attitude. Sass and SCSS support for Meteor.js.
iron:router 1.1.2 Routing specifically designed for Meteor
jquery 3.0.0 Manipulate the DOM using CSS selectors
littledata:synced-cron 1.5.1 Allows you to define and run scheduled jobs across multiple servers.
meteorhacks:ssr 2.2.0 Server Side Rendering for Meteor with Blaze
mrt:later 1.6.1 Define schedules and calculate future or previous schedule occurrences.
percolate:find-from-publication 0.2.1 Enable finding all documents that have been published by a given publication
reactive-var 1.0.11 Reactive variable
ros:publish-counts 0.5.1 Publish the count of a cursor, in real time. Supports large collections.
shell-server 0.5.0 Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command.
standard-app-packages 1.0.9 Moved to meteor-platform
standard-minifier-css 1.7.2 Standard css minifier used with Meteor apps by default.
standard-minifier-js 2.6.0 Standard javascript minifiers used with Meteor apps by default.