A new member of the Meteor Team!

Hey everyone, say welcome to our newest Lead Developer Advocate, @gabsferreira!


Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I’m very excited to be here and be part of the Meteor team and this community. Hope to learn a lot from you all!


Hello @gabsferreira - and thank you @acamikuro for the introduction!

As I am not so well versed with the role of a “Developer Advocate” - would you two be so kind as to iterate on what you see as your primary goals in the short, medium and long term, in regards to Meteor & the Community of course?

(And how you think you’d like to achieve those goals would, of course, be a logical second question :slight_smile: )

Just some general directions on what you’ll be aiming at doing would be very interesting to me.

And of course this way we could help out & support you both in the best possible ways, if we would know and could follow along to support you in your goals.

I’m looking forward, to bold, fun & interesting times coming up for Meteor, it’s marketing, and unlocking it’s possibilities and opportunities both for existing users and the millions of upcoming new fans!

All the best from Cyprus!!


Hey Daniel! Thanks for the warm welcome :slight_smile:

Developer advocate is a role that varies a lot from company to company, what an advocate does at Meteor might differ a lot than what one at Google does.

That said, the focus of my work here is a mix of marketing, education, and community nurturing.
Marketing: Meteor doesn’t have a very strong social media presence and we are going go change that. This is important especially for one reason: awareness. People need to know what Meteor is, what problems it is solving and why to use it.
That can be achieved through many different ways, but I firmly believe in good content marketing: we have plans to create a weekly tech podcast, youtube videos and other quality content. The goal is to increase our reach, bring new people to the community and make people see MeteorJS and Galaxy as good tools for their work.
Education: Once the person knows about us they must have proper documentation, tutorials and support to achieve their goals with what we’re building. We must create more educational videos! Not only explaining how our tools work, but also showing how to build really cool stuff with them. I myself plan on doing weekly live coding sessions using Meteor and Galaxy.
Community nurturing: it’s clear that the Meteor community is strong, engaged and passionate. We want to keep it that way :slight_smile: We want to get ever closer to you by bringing community members to create content with us on podcasts/videos, showcase interesting projects created by you on our channels and creating different ways of listening to your feedback and improve whatever we can internally. In the community, my role is to represent the company. In the company, my role is to represent the community.

In the short term, we’re working on organizing social media channels, their content and brand identity. Also, I’m trying to get to know the most people I can in the community and understand who you are, your background and relation to Meteor. And of course, I want to know your vision of everything that is being done here :slight_smile: It would be great if we could have a chat, Daniel. I’ll send you a message!

Regarding the long term plans, being completely honest: we don’t have them yet. And that is because we are a small team and planning is hard, takes time and well, we already know what needs to be done ASAP now: content for awareness, education for retention and nurturing to value even more the awesome community members we got. And we’ll work on it :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have any other questions!


Welcome to the team Gab!
Was happy to chat with you the other day and looking forward to more chats as there is a lot to cover.
YouTube and other social media is going to be hard. From my own experience you can go for months with little watch time or awareness, but if you don’t have the content then you won’t be able to go anywhere.

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Yeah man, content creation is hard. I have a youtube channel, a podcast, a newsletter and the hardest part, in my opinion, is maintaining the frequency over time and never stop sharing stuff.

That’s why we have to find ways of leveraging big chunks of created content (like long lives and interviews) and repurpose them to shorter videos, articles and social media posts. And of course, reporpusing and sharing community created content too. This way, we’ll always be sharing something. That’s part of my strategy here btw :slight_smile:

And ah, if you click on my channel there’s mostly Portuguese content there but there are a few interviews in English like with Thomas H. Cormen (from the Introduction to Algorithms book) and with Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas (that wrote Pragmatic Programmer).