About the Developer Relations category

Hello Meteor Community Members,

With immense pleasure, we welcome you to our specialized category in Developer Relations, also known as DevRel. This space has been created as a strategic communication channel between the Meteor Software team and engaged developers looking to build a prosperous and healthy community.

Our mission here is to foster discussions that enrich the technical experience and usability and collect valuable feedback to help us improve our initiatives. We are firmly committed to providing educational resources, including tutorials and documentation. This is also the ideal place for those who have suggestions, wish to start a project or create content that benefits the community as a whole.

We understand that information is power. That’s why we want to keep you updated on our future actions, such as forum revamps and updates to categories that are no longer relevant. Our DevRel team aims to have an active and responsive presence here, and we are always open to suggestions and feedback.

We are constantly on the lookout for mutually beneficial collaboration opportunities and partnerships, including hosting events like hackathons and webinars.

We’d like to invite you to participate, share your ideas, and ask questions actively. We are here to support and grow together.

Tatiana Barros
Developer Relations Manager

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