Access to the value of a select in a child template

I am a beginner in Meteor. How can I access from my linksModal helper to the value of the select #toutelangue in the langList template ?

<template name=“linksModal”>
<div class=“langues”>
{{> langList}}
<div class=“form-group”>
<div class=“modal-footer”>
<button type=“submit” class=“btn btn-default” id=“save”>Sauvegarder le lien </button> <button type=“button” class=“btn btn-default” data-dismiss=“modal”>Annuler </button>
</div> </template>
<template name=“langList”>
<select class=“langues” multiple=“multiple” id="#toutelangue">
{{#each langue}}
<option value="{{_id}}">{{label}}

Thank you

I would try something like

When u
it should match the select element

thank you Shock for your help, I tried but got

Exception: TypeError: Template.instance(...) is null

although I selected one item.

Template.instance() inside helper could not be null, did u paste it to helper or run in browser ?

I ran it in the browser javascript console but in my code I had it inside

well, that is code for helper, not event handler nor browser

So could I put it into the helper and get it from the event through a function ? I am sorry I wasn’t not clear enough.
here my code
> ‘click #save’: function(e) {
> e.preventDefault();
> var selectedCatId=Session.get(‘selectedCatId’);
> var selectedLinkId=Session.get(‘selectedLinkId’);
> if (!selectedLinkId) {
> var lien = {
> // categoryId.catId:$(’#categoryId’).val(),
> address: $(’#address’).val(),
> label: $(’#label’).val(),
> defaut: 1,
> private: 0,
> clicks: 0,
> submitted: new Date(),
> clicked: new Date(),
> };
> toutesleslangues = Template.instance().$(‘select’).selected;
> alert (JSON.stringify(toutesleslangues));
>‘addLink’, lien, selectedCatId, toutesleslangues, function(error, result) {
> if (error) {
> alert(error);
> }
> });
> }
> else {
> Links.update({’_id’:selectedLinkId},{$set:updateItem});
> }
> Modal.hide(‘linksModal’);
> }
> });
> Template.linksModal.helpers({
> link: function() {
> var linkId = Session.get(‘selectedLinkId’);
> if (typeof linkId !== “undefined”) {
> var link = Links.findOne(linkId);
> return link;
> }
> }
> });
> Template.langList.helpers({
> langue: function() {
> return Languages.find({}, {sort: {label: 1}});
> }
> });

paste that event helper u r using cause it is kinda hard to guess …
PS: as code “preformatted text” :smiley:

As you can see, my code is in progress, it is not finished, I just added an alert to see the result.

paste it as code so it is readable, btw
'click #save': function(e, instance) {

and than

I still have undefined as a result with :
toutesleslangues = instance.$(‘select’).selected;
alert (JSON.stringify(toutesleslangues));

so console.log just instance.$(‘select’) if it matched something
and try which property you want from browser console. there it should be as $(‘select’)

was dealing with the same problem.
returned undefined for me too.
just go with
this works fine for me.

to get the text of the selected option:
instance.$('select option:selected').text();

Using by @manuel you can do it this way:

using a reference:

{{> langList ref="langList"}}

<select class="langues" multiple="multiple" id="#toutelangue" {{b "value: selectValue" }}>

  autorun: function () {
    console.log("Select value is: " + this.langList.selectValue());

or using a parent’s property:

<select class="langues" multiple="multiple" id="#toutelangue" {{b "value: parent.selectValue" }}>

  selectValue: "",
  autorun: function () {
    console.log("Select value is: " + this.selectValue());

or using a child’s property:

<select class="langues" multiple="multiple" id="#toutelangue" {{b "value: selectValue" }}>

  autorun: function () {
    console.log("Select value is: " + this.child().selectValue());

  selectValue: ""

or using a shared property:

<select class="langues" multiple="multiple" id="#toutelangue" {{b "value: selectValue" }}>

  share: "sharedObject",
  autorun: function () {
    console.log("Select value is: " + this.selectValue());

  share: "sharedObject",

  sharedObject: {
    selectValue: ""

depending on what you prefer. :wink:

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Thanks to you for your solutions.
Have a nice day!