Accounts.emailTemplates.resetPassword Not in Mv3 docs?

Accounts.emailTemplates.resetPassword is listed in the Mv2 docs, but doesn’t appear to be found via search in the Mv3 docs.

Does it still look like this?

Accounts.emailTemplates.resetPassword = {
  subject(user) {
    return "Reset your password on Meteor Todos";
  text(user, url) {
    return `Hello!
Click the link below to reset your password on Meteor Todos.
If you didn't request this email, please ignore it.
The Meteor Todos team
  html(user, url) {
    // This is where HTML email content would go.
    // See the section about html emails below.

Hi, It should work the same in version 2! Here is the doc about it.

Let me know if it’s working as expected.

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Looking over here:

The section could use improvement, there isn’t really anything there.

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