
Hi everybody.

I’m looking for the attachments options to send the verifyEmail of Accounts package.

Something like this:

Accounts.emailTemplates.verifyEmail.attachments = [{
fileName: ‘logo.jpg’,
filePath: “/email/logo.jpg”,
cid: cidLogo,
contentType: ‘image/jpeg’,

It seem to be not available yet, I’m right ?

Is there another way to attach an image in the verifyEmail / resetPassword etc ?

Thank you so much!

I try add an attachment with the sendVerificationEmail Accounts function, from the onCreateUser Accounts event, but it’s not working either.
Nobody have an idea to do this? :confused:

This is an old thread, but I had exact same question. I wanted to send an email with my company logo embedded. After examining the code I realized this feature is not supported, but can be easily added by defning this function that should override the original one in accounts-password package:

Accounts.generateOptionsForEmail = (email, user, url, reason) => {
  const options = {
    to: email,
    from: Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].from
      ? Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].from(user)
      : Accounts.emailTemplates.from,
    subject: Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].subject(user)

  if (typeof Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].text === 'function') {
    options.text = Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].text(user, url);

  if (typeof Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].html === 'function') {
    options.html = Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].html(user, url);

  if (typeof Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].attachments === 'function') {
    options.attachments = Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].attachments();

  if (typeof Accounts.emailTemplates.headers === 'object') {
    options.headers = Accounts.emailTemplates.headers;

  return options;

This is the line that I added to the original function:

  if (typeof Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].attachments === "function") {
    options.attachments = Accounts.emailTemplates[reason].attachments();

Then you can attach files like this:

Accounts.emailTemplates.verifyEmail = {
  subject() {
  html(user, url) {
  attachments() {
    return [{
        filename: "logo.png",
        content: Assets.getBinary("emails/img/logo.png"),
        contentType: "image/png",
        cid: "logo-png"

It’s beautiful ! Thank you so much :slight_smile: