I am using the same code in Meteor 1.10.2 as I used in Meteor, but in 1.10.2 the verification email is only being sent as text instead of the html template. With Meteor it is sent correctly using the template.
I can’t seem to figure out what the difference is between versions and 1.10.2 that is causing this. Here is the code - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated - Thanks, Bob
// server/mail.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base'
Meteor.startup(function () {
//-- Subject line of the email
Accounts.emailTemplates.verifyEmail.subject = function (user) {
return 'Confirm Your Email Address'
//-- Email
Accounts.emailTemplates.verifyEmail.html = function (user, url) {
const newUrl = url.replace('/#', '/auth')
return `
<body itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/EmailMessage">
<h2>Thank you for registering with LORROS 3.0</h2>
<p><a href="${newUrl}">Please click here to confirm your email</a></p>
<p>Or cut and paste the following into your browser address box:<br />${newUrl}</p>
I copied your exact code (except for using the enrollAccount
email template) and I am receiving the correct HTML e-mail
Thanks @jamgold, at least I know that part works. What Meteor packages are you running? Here are mine:
meteor-base@1.4.0 # Packages every Meteor app needs to have
mobile-experience@1.1.0 # Packages for a great mobile UX
mongo@1.10.0 # The database Meteor supports right now
reactive-var@1.0.11 # Reactive variable for tracker
standard-minifier-css@1.6.0 # CSS minifier run for production mode
standard-minifier-js@2.6.0 # JS minifier run for production mode
es5-shim@4.8.0 # ECMAScript 5 compatibility for older browse
ecmascript@0.14.3 # Enable ECMAScript2015+ syntax in app code
typescript@3.7.6 # Enable TypeScript syntax in .ts and .tsx modules
shell-server@0.5.0 # Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command
autopublish@1.0.7 # Publish all data to the clients (for prototyping)
insecure@1.0.7 # Allow all DB writes from clients (for prototyping)
static-html # Define static page content in .html files
react-meteor-data # React higher-order component for reactively tracking Meteor data
… and here are my npm installed packages:
"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "^7.8.4",
"@material-ui/core": "^4.10.2",
"@material-ui/icons": "^4.9.1",
"@material-ui/lab": "^4.0.0-alpha.56",
"@mdi/js": "^5.3.45",
"@mdi/react": "^1.4.0",
"bcrypt": "^5.0.0",
"better-docs": "^2.0.1",
"i18next": "^19.4.5",
"i18next-browser-languagedetector": "^4.2.0",
"install": "^0.13.0",
"jsdoc": "^3.6.4",
"meteor-node-stubs": "^1.0.0",
"npm": "^6.14.5",
"react": "^16.13.0",
"react-dom": "^16.13.0",
"react-hook-form": "^5.7.2",
"react-hook-form-devtools": "^1.2.0",
"react-i18next": "^11.5.1",
"react-router-dom": "^5.2.0",
"simpl-schema": "^1.5.6",
"validator": "^13.1.1"