Accounts-google popup failing to close on Cordova+Android (resolved)

I’m in the process of hunting down what’s going on here, but thought I’d ask in case anyone else is running into this issue. Essentially, it looks like this:

  • A Cordova app running on an Android device
  • Using the accounts-google package and popup flow
  • After the user enters her account information, she authenticates successfully, but sits looking at a blank white screen because the popup fails to close.


On web and iOS, it works correctly: the user sees the popup, logs in and is redirected to

But on Android (and I’ve already tested on a variety of devices), the user is allowed to log in, but then the user is never returned to the app: they just sit staring at a blank page with the url

There may be some issue here with http and https, or there may be something going on with restrictCreationByEmailDomain, which I use, and which has changed recently. Anyway, I’m looking into it, but if anybody has seen the same issue, I’d love to hear about it.

The problem was in fact the protocol in the ROOT_URL environment variable on the server, which was http instead of https. Once I changed this to, all was well.

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Thanks, this really helped me out on my setup. Couldn’t figure out why Google login was working on the development version but not on the staging version.