Accounts-password and npm-bcrypt

Hi guys,

I have the exact same problem regarding the npm-bcrypt version conflicts with accounts-password as described in this post Accounts-password Meteor.logout() [SOLVED]. However as opposed to the author of this thread I do not use any programmatic invocation of the Accounts class. If I downgrade npm-bcrypt to 8.6.2 it does work and meteor starts up the app. any idea how to fix this? I’ve also added a list of currently installed plugins

Errors prevented startup:

While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint npm-bcrypt@=0.8.6_2 is not satisfied by npm-bcrypt 0.8.7.
Constraints on package “npm-bcrypt”:

  • npm-bcrypt@0.8.7 <- top level
  • npm-bcrypt@=0.8.6_2 <- accounts-password 1.1.12

accounts-facebook 1.0.10* Login service for Facebook accounts
accounts-password 1.1.12* Password support for accounts
accounts-ui 1.1.9 Simple templates to add login widgets to an app
aldeed:autoform 5.8.1 Easily create forms with automatic insert and update, and automatic reacti…
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aldeed:tabular 1.6.1 Datatables for large or small datasets in Meteor
aldeed:template-extension 4.0.0 Adds template features currently missing from the templating package
blaze-html-templates 1.0.4* Compile HTML templates into reactive UI with Meteor Blaze
ecmascript 0.4.7* Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files
es5-shim 4.5.13* Shims and polyfills to improve ECMAScript 5 support
iron:router 1.0.13 Routing specifically designed for Meteor
joshdellay:jquery-mobile-menu 1.0.5 A jQuery plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus.
jquery 1.11.9* Manipulate the DOM using CSS selectors
kadira:blaze-layout 2.3.0 Layout Manager for Blaze (works well with FlowRouter)
mdg:validated-method 1.1.0 A simple wrapper for Meteor.methods
meteor-base 1.0.4 Packages that every Meteor app needs
mobile-experience 1.0.4 Packages for a great mobile user experience
mongo 1.1.9_1* Adaptor for using MongoDB and Minimongo over DDP
npm-bcrypt 0.8.6_2* Wrapper around the bcrypt npm package
reactive-dict 1.1.8 Reactive dictionary
reactive-var 1.0.10* Reactive variable
service-configuration 1.0.10* Manage the configuration for third-party services
standard-minifier-css 1.0.8* Standard css minifier used with Meteor apps by default.
standard-minifier-js 1.0.8* Standard javascript minifiers used with Meteor apps by default.
tap:i18n 1.8.2 A comprehensive internationalization solution for Meteor
tap:i18n-db 0.4.0 Internationalization for Meteor Collections
tap:i18n-ui 0.8.0 User interface for the tap-i18n package
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zimme:iron-router-active 2.0.1 Deprecated! Use zimme:active-route

hope you can help me out



Many of the packages in your list (all the ones with the * next to them) are out of date, including accounts-password which uses bcrypt.

You should run:

meteor update --all-packages

Or, if you’re running an older version of Meteor which doesn’t support the --all-packages flag, you should update individual packages to their latest versions. For example, the latest version of accounts-password is 1.3.1 and you’re using 1.1.12.

thanks for your reply. unfortunately it was not that easy although you gave me a good path to start further investigation. I updated to meteor using meteor update. then I got all kinds of erros such as python.exe could not be found. then I found out a post about npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

this fixed the python error and then I could finally update it again and start the app. then I got a warning about bcrypt not being used natively so I had to do something like meteor install --save bcrypt. Of course this didn’t work at first which is why I removed accounts-password and bcrypt first and then reinstalled accounts-password. then again the bcrypt and everything got updated.

again thanks for showing met the road to the solution

So very glad that you got it figured out. Unfortunately, Windows just makes it that hard. It gets even more complicated trying to maintain different versions of Visual Studio (2008, 2010, 2015, or whatever). The windows-build-tools npm project was a very exciting project when it came out and has helped things a lot – Microsoft got on board with it to help and they continue to work on this as they’re “aware it’s a problem”.

If anyone runs into this problem, I encourage you to setup a proper build toolchain on your Windows computer by carefully following the instructions provided here and I posted some more comments on an issue about this just yesterday. Luckily, the problem has improved quite a bit, but still isn’t perfect.