I am currently working on a mostly static website. In general, it would seem as if Meteor would not be the right choice for something like this. At the same time, I will also want to include a contact form, for which Meteor I think would be well suited.
Is it crazy to create a Meteor app just to support the contact form/feature?
Meteor can be overkill for a simple, mostly static site. However, if you’re interested in learning more about Meteor, etc., then it could still be a worthwhile investment of your time. Also, it’s really easy to spin up an Ubuntu droplet and mupx your app, so you don’t have to worry about things like server config, etc.
Meteor is really bad if you want to get a pre-made theme (like a Bootstrap theme) and expect to plug-and-play. You’ll be doing a lot of messing around to get all the script files to load in the order that you want.
For email and contact form stuff I would be using something like Mandrill or MailChimp’s API for emails anyway, which you don’t need Meteor for.
When you say ‘mostly static’, do you mean ‘static except the contact form’?
If so, a very simple PHP/Python script that takes the form and uses Mandrill API (which Mandrill provides a library for) would be more than enough in your case.