After adding react-native nothing is working, or showing

So, here’s the situation:
I’m starting a new app, get a couple things set up (CSS, a little templating), add react and react-native, then suddenly:
-localhost is a blank screen no matter what I do - all work is “not showing” for all intents and purposes.
-ENDLESS unresolved modules (see below).
-this: “=> Client modified -- refreshing (x6)” -(It happens with only 1 pending save too, not just multiples, and it never refreshes and restarts the server, at all, btw).

Why is this happening? I didn’t want to bother the community with my issues, but I’ve spent WAY too much time trying to fix this, and there’s nothing that I can find that is exactly the same issue, or even mentions any problems with react-native.
What I HAVE found is about missing modules for other things, and supposedly you can ignore these warnings. But my real dilemma is the broken app that is suddenly no more. Does anyone know what the problem might be? Honestly, I’m just starting to get into Meteor, so I’m probably doing something dumb.

Thank you in advance for your patience.

Oh, and here’s the list of “unresolved” modules:

Unable to resolve some modules:

  "ActivityIndicator" in
  "ActivityIndicatorIOS" in
  "ReactNativeART" in
  "DatePickerIOS" in
  "DrawerLayoutAndroid" in
  "Image" in
  "ImageEditor" in
  "ImageStore" in
  "KeyboardAvoidingView" in
  "ListView" in
  "MapView" in
  "Modal" in
  "Navigator" in
  "NavigatorIOS" in
  "Picker" in
  "PickerIOS" in
  "ProgressBarAndroid" in
  "ProgressViewIOS" in
  "ScrollView" in
  "SegmentedControlIOS" in
  "Slider" in
  "SliderIOS" in
  "SnapshotViewIOS" in
  "Switch" in
  "RecyclerViewBackedScrollView" in
  "RefreshControl" in
  "StatusBar" in
  "SwitchAndroid" in
  "SwitchIOS" in
  "TabBarIOS" in
  "Text" in
  "TextInput" in
  "ToastAndroid" in
  "ToolbarAndroid" in
  "Touchable" in
  "TouchableHighlight" in
  "TouchableNativeFeedback" in
  "TouchableOpacity" in
  "TouchableWithoutFeedback" in
  "View" in
  "ViewPagerAndroid" in
  "WebView" in
  "ActionSheetIOS" in
  "AdSupportIOS" in
  "Alert" in
  "AlertIOS" in
  "Animated" in
  "AppRegistry" in
  "AppState" in
  "AppStateIOS" in
  "AsyncStorage" in
  "BackAndroid" in
  "CameraRoll" in
  "Clipboard" in
  "DatePickerAndroid" in
  "Dimensions" in
  "Easing" in
  "ImagePickerIOS" in
  "IntentAndroid" in
  "InteractionManager" in
  "Keyboard" in
  "LayoutAnimation" in
  "Linking" in
  "LinkingIOS" in
  "NativeEventEmitter" in
  "NavigationExperimental" in
  "NetInfo" in
  "PanResponder" in
  "PixelRatio" in
  "PushNotificationIOS" in
  "Settings" in
  "StatusBarIOS" in
  "StyleSheet" in
  "Systrace" in
  "TimePickerAndroid" in
  "UIManager" in
  "Vibration" in
  "VibrationIOS" in
  "RCTDeviceEventEmitter" in
  "RCTNativeAppEventEmitter" in
  "NativeModules" in
  "Platform" in
  "processColor" in
  "requireNativeComponent" in
  "ColorPropType" in
  "EdgeInsetsPropType" in
  "PointPropType" in
  "LinkedStateMixin" in
  "ReactComponentWithPureRenderMixin" in
  "ReactUpdates" in
  "ReactFragment" in
  "update" in
  "throwOnWrongReactAPI" in
  "ReactNative" in
  "ReactPerf" in
  "ReactTestUtils" in

If you notice problems related to these missing modules, consider running:

  meteor npm install --save ActivityIndicator ActivityIndicatorIOS
ReactNativeART DatePickerIOS DrawerLayoutAndroid Image ImageEditor ImageStore
KeyboardAvoidingView ListView MapView Modal Navigator NavigatorIOS Picker
PickerIOS ProgressBarAndroid ProgressViewIOS ScrollView SegmentedControlIOS
Slider SliderIOS SnapshotViewIOS Switch RecyclerViewBackedScrollView
RefreshControl StatusBar SwitchAndroid SwitchIOS TabBarIOS Text TextInput
ToastAndroid ToolbarAndroid Touchable TouchableHighlight
TouchableNativeFeedback TouchableOpacity TouchableWithoutFeedback View
ViewPagerAndroid WebView ActionSheetIOS AdSupportIOS Alert AlertIOS Animated
AppRegistry AppState AppStateIOS AsyncStorage BackAndroid CameraRoll Clipboard
DatePickerAndroid Dimensions Easing ImagePickerIOS IntentAndroid
InteractionManager Keyboard LayoutAnimation Linking LinkingIOS
NativeEventEmitter NavigationExperimental NetInfo PanResponder PixelRatio
PushNotificationIOS Settings StatusBarIOS StyleSheet Systrace TimePickerAndroid
UIManager Vibration VibrationIOS RCTDeviceEventEmitter RCTNativeAppEventEmitter
NativeModules Platform processColor requireNativeComponent ColorPropType
EdgeInsetsPropType PointPropType LinkedStateMixin
ReactComponentWithPureRenderMixin ReactUpdates ReactFragment update
throwOnWrongReactAPI ReactNative ReactPerf ReactTestUtils

Encountered this issue today after installing react-native, any solutions?