AI Chatbot based on Meteor

I want to integrate an AI Chatbot in my Meteor based Chat Application. Are there any good libraries for this in Meteor? Or can anyone give me some suggestions on how can I achieve this?

You should probably sign up for one of the backend platform provider services like or and check out their APIs and modelling approach. Then you can call the API service with your user input, they will analyse the intent and come back with a response which you can then display some text based on. You can also provide training examples or train the model based on actual user input. Maybe this article I wrote a few years ago might be helpful:
It also has links to the Github repo…

Here are the step i took when i created a chatbot for myself

  1. Choose a Platform: Select an AI chatbot platform like Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework, IBM Watson Assistant, or

  2. API Integration: Integrate the chosen platform’s API into your Meteor app to send user messages and receive responses.

  3. User Interface: Design a chat window in your Meteor app to display the chatbot conversation.

  4. Handle Input: Capture user messages, send them to the chatbot API, and display the responses in the chat window.

  5. Customization: Personalize chatbot responses and behavior to suit your app’s needs.

  6. Testing and Deployment: Thoroughly test the integration and deploy the updated app with the chatbot feature.

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