Hiya, I used GitHub - matteodem/meteor-easy-search: Easy-to-use search for Meteor with Blaze Components to add server-side search functionality to my Meteor 2 project. I’ve upgraded to Meteor 3.1 and am readding my packages, and this one doesn’t install. It’s very old so I assume it’s basically deprecated.
Can anyone recommend a search package that is compatible with Meteor 3, and ideally works in a similar way?
Just for info, these are the errors I’m seeing when trying to install easy:search, and I’m guessing that as the package is so out of date, there’s no point trying to pursue it:
=> Errors while adding packages:
While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint mongo@1.1.1 is not satisfied by mongo 2.0.3.
Constraints on package “mongo”:
- mongo@2.0.3 ← top level
- mongo@~2.0.3 ← top level
- mongo@2.0.2 ← accounts-base 3.0.3 ← accounts-password 3.0.3
- mongo@1.10.1 || 1.12.0 || 2.0.0 ← aldeed:collection2 4.0.4
- mongo@1.1.1 ← easysearch:core 2.0.9 ← easy:search 2.0.7
- mongo@2.0.0 ← reactive-dict 1.3.2 ← easysearch:components 2.0.6 ← easy:search 2.0.7
Conflict: Constraint blaze@2.0.4 is not satisfied by blaze 3.0.1.
Constraints on package “blaze”:
- blaze@3.0.0-rc300.2 ← launch-screen 2.0.1 ← mobile-experience 1.1.2
- blaze@3.0.0 ← blaze-html-templates 3.0.0
- blaze@3.0.0 ← spacebars 2.0.0 ← peerlibrary:blaze-components 0.15.1 ← easysearch:components 2.0.6 ← easy:search 2.0.7
- blaze@3.0.0 ← templating-runtime 2.0.1 ← templating 1.4.4 ← blaze-html-templates 3.0.0
- blaze@3.0.0 ← accounts-base 3.0.3 ← accounts-password 3.0.3
- blaze@2.0.4 ← peerlibrary:blaze-components 0.15.1 ← easysearch:components 2.0.6 ← easy:search 2.0.7