Alternatives or forks of meteorhacks:search-source?

I’m using meteorhacks:search-source in combination with typeahead to enable suggest search. Works pretty well. However, this package is one of Arunoda’s legacy and won’t be developed any further. So I am wondering if there’s an alternative that’s still actively maintained?

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Using it for exactly the same situation, and would be nice if someone could find a long-term support replacement. But anyway, we can always try to fix search-sources in a local package.

Truth be told, I do not think this should have ever been a package. All you need to do - and all it does - is query MongoDB with a regex query.

Here’s a snippet that can help you do the same. It even works on the client:

Meteor.publish("search", function (keyword) {
	var search = keyword.replace(/[^\w\s]/g, "");
	var textSearch = new RegExp(search, "i");	

	return Collection.find({
		$or: {
			fieldNameA: textSearch,
			fieldNameB: textSearch

Can you comment this snippet a little? I don’t follow why you put the same value textSearch in fieldName A and B.