Anbody used Ant Framework? Looks awesome!

That is not correct. The grid of Antd is not based on bootstrap, its is Ant’s own fully featured 24-column, 4 breakpoint responsive grid system, with both a traditional and a flexbox mode. The latter includes flexbox features such as reordering.

The main advantage over react-bootstrap is that Antd is more feature complete, so you don’t have to integrate a lot of external components in order to have things like Hierarchical Tree, Date/Timepicker, Autocomplete, Swipeable Carousel, Tag/Multiselect etc.

Thanks. i think i’ll give it a try then.

Partially true.

Ant referred it’s responsive grid to the bootstrap website.

But ant divided the 12 columns to 24.

I’ve been using it for a few days now, and I will probably never use react-bootstrap again. So far it’s leagues better than RB. I can’t think of anything I miss from RB

The amount of glueing react-bootstrap makes you do is absurd. You also have to wrap your own formsy setup or use react-formsy-components (which, frankly, is a garbage lib).

I think they pointed at react-bootstrap because their api vaguely resembles how you implement react-boostraps grid.

idk. But i didn’t liked its css styles.

I liked blueprint much better.


Blueprint ?

And for antd, you can override the style.

Looks pretty good. I’ve had a really good experience with antd so far though.

I liked their design better than antd.

I am not sure if we can override blueprint styles though.

I wouldn’t recommend ant. The primary community doesn’t speak english and the english alternatives are completely dead and full of unanswered questions. They mix up the use of flex and floats, the markup is poor, and they made some really odd decisions when they built their components (for react, anyway.)

Also, dropdowns don’t support handheld/touch devices.

Uncompressed, the library is 1.8mb. Even when it’s gzipped it’s still ~500kb.

i stopped using any css-framework some time ago and never looked back.

Have a clear design and learn how to abstract into components, build up your component set on like a drawing-board with the help of storybook and put everything together.

it takes more time when you start, but it will look and feel exactly as you want.

And learn flex and grid and dom-styling in general.

I’ve definitely had a different experience using ant.

While the primary community is non-English speaking, google translate makes pretty quick work of looking through github issues, and I haven’t yet found an issue I wasn’t able to resolve because of a language barrier.

The library has had some bloat recently due to an improper inclusion of svg-based icons, but that is due to be resolved in the next release. You can also do per-module imports, so if you code split, the size becomes a non-issue.

The inputs are very intuitive, and I haven’t found a better drop in date/time picker.

I think if you have the resources, what @macrozone suggested is a great idea, but when you have a very large app, having components ready to drop in is very nice and certainly helps devs meet deadlines that custom work wouldn’t allow.

I think if you look at the repo’s history and wide-spread implementation, you will find that many of the decisions are data-driven, and while I definitely don’t agree with every decision in ant, it’s hard to argue that they aren’t well-thought out and informed.

We had tentatively started used Ant and React in a small part of one of our apps with the idea of gradually spreading it and removing blaze. The pushback against the datepicker in particular was massive. The jquery eonasdan datetimepicker has yet to be beaten for intuitiveness I think - Ant particularly falls down on time input. Why don’t people just copy it ? That, plus the added pain of navigating so many chinese issues in the repo (we’re spoiled as english speakers) turned us off Ant for now.

It is really annoying they don’t have issues in english. They tried to clean that up but seem to have given up. It’s almost like they’re trying to give the USA the middle finger.

Anyway, I love antd. In my experience, the downsides of every other framework are bigger and the benefits smaller. I really don’t run into many issues anymore (it’s actively developed every single day by multiple people):

At the end of the day, the framework you’ve used the most is always going to be “better”/“faster” than any other framework/lib.

They just released a lib for doing landing pages which will eventually be really cool:


Released a new comment component that looks nice:

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