has anybody succeeded to login with FB or Google in an Android PWA? Works ok in IOS.
The problem I (and many) face is the redirect back into the PWA. It doesn’t seem to work with either ‘popup’ or ‘redirect’ as a login style when in PWA (have a manifest with “display”: “standalone”).
Ok this only seems to be the case for Samsung Internet.
If I save to screen (install PWA) from Samsung internet the issue occurs.
If I save to screen from Chrome on Android, everything works as expected.
Hi @paulishca I just found the exact same problem with my twa : facebook connect does not work when Samsung Internet Browser is the default browser with standalone app.
Did you find any work around ? If not I’ll show a message when trying to facebook connect asking to change default browser.
I gave up. I think Samsung Internet is not a modern browser and I preferred not to have it supported. When going PWA, at least have the latests browser tech and APIs available since nothing is in control like would be the case in a mobile app (native or pseudo-native).
For reference, another website as displayed in Samsung Internet (see at the bottom)