Android PWA login with 3rd Party (Samsung Internet browser). Works on Chrome


has anybody succeeded to login with FB or Google in an Android PWA? Works ok in IOS.
The problem I (and many) face is the redirect back into the PWA. It doesn’t seem to work with either ‘popup’ or ‘redirect’ as a login style when in PWA (have a manifest with “display”: “standalone”).

Example of same issue (not necessarily Meteor):

Would you suggest a custom login flow in this case instead of the common Meteor.loginWithService?

Ok this only seems to be the case for Samsung Internet.
If I save to screen (install PWA) from Samsung internet the issue occurs.
If I save to screen from Chrome on Android, everything works as expected.


Hi @paulishca I just found the exact same problem with my twa : facebook connect does not work when Samsung Internet Browser is the default browser with standalone app.

Did you find any work around ? If not I’ll show a message when trying to facebook connect asking to change default browser.

I gave up. I think Samsung Internet is not a modern browser and I preferred not to have it supported. When going PWA, at least have the latests browser tech and APIs available since nothing is in control like would be the case in a mobile app (native or pseudo-native).
For reference, another website as displayed in Samsung Internet (see at the bottom)

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Ok, thanks for your answer, I’ll follow the same path…