mymeteorapp: updated to Meteor
=> Errors while upgrading packages:
While checking for momentjs:moment@2.13.0:
error: No compatible binary build found for this package. Contact the package author and ask them to publish it for your platform.
But moment() works as it did before. Should I be worried?
I remember someone explaining a way to make something global, so pretty sure you can do it! However I haven’t done it myself.
Whenever I reference moment - I just import it at the top of the file.
Maybe someone else can jump in and answer this one, sorry I don’t want to tell you the wrong thing
Probably a silly question, but after I did a meteor update and then meteor --version it’s still showing version 1.3.1. Shouldn’t it say I was on 1.2.1 before the update. I tried running the update a second time, but it said that I was already running the latest. This is on Windows 10-X64.
Not a silly question at all! We unrecommended yesterday because we realized it contained a breaking change/improvement to DDP that wasn’t intended to be released until 1.3.3. Specifically, at least one package that relied on private methods of the DDP client Connection was broken in and
Though you can still manually meteor update --release with no problem, and you may even notice some nice performance improvements due to DDP update batching, we’ve unrecommended it until we can publish a (soon) without those changes.