After some slighthiccups with 1.3.2 and, I’m happy to let you know that Meteor is now a recommended release! You can begin using by running meteor update in any app directory.
Fixed faulty comparison of .sourcePath and .targetPath properties of files scanned by the ImportScanner, which caused problems for apps using the tap:i18n package. 6e792a7cf25847b8cd5d5664a0ff45c9fffd9e57
Running npm install in bundle/programs/server when deploying an app also rebuilds any binary npm dependencies, fixing #6537. Set METEOR_SKIP_NPM_REBUILD=1 to disable this behavior if necessary.
Non-.js(on) files in node_modules (such as .less and .scss) are now processed by compiler plugins and may be imported by JS. #6037
The jquery package can now be completely removed from any app (#6563), and uses <app>/node_modules/jquery if available (#6626).
Source maps are once again generated for all bundled JS files, even if they are merely identity mappings, so that the files appear distinct in the browser, and stack traces make more sense. #6639
All application files in imports directories are now considered lazy, regardless of whether the app is using the modules package. This could be a breaking change for 1.3.2 apps that do not use modules or ecmascript but contain imports directories. Workaround: move files out of imports, or rename imports to something else.
The npm-bcrypt package has been upgraded to use the latest version (0.8.5) of the bcrypt npm package.
Match.Optional only passes if the value is null or the specified type, whereas previously it accepted undefined. Use Match.Maybe to allow undefined. #6735
Compiler plugins can call addJavaScript({ path }) multiple times with different paths for the same source file, and will reflect this path instead of the source path, if they are different. #6806
Congrats!@benjamn I have a quick question regarding css, less, scss etc. imports in JavaScript files. Is there a way to get not only css content in the ‘modules/css.js’ addStyles method, but also the extension and filename? Or could it be implemented? Then we could build upon it Also it would be awesome if ‘modules’ package could be replaceable or css.js file could be moved to another replaceable package so we would be able to experiment. For example with something like: Thanks!
mymeteorapp: updated to Meteor
=> Errors while upgrading packages:
While checking for momentjs:moment@2.13.0:
error: No compatible binary build found for this package. Contact the package author and ask them to publish it for your platform.
But moment() works as it did before. Should I be worried?
I remember someone explaining a way to make something global, so pretty sure you can do it! However I haven’t done it myself.
Whenever I reference moment - I just import it at the top of the file.
Maybe someone else can jump in and answer this one, sorry I don’t want to tell you the wrong thing
Probably a silly question, but after I did a meteor update and then meteor --version it’s still showing version 1.3.1. Shouldn’t it say I was on 1.2.1 before the update. I tried running the update a second time, but it said that I was already running the latest. This is on Windows 10-X64.