Announcing the Meteor Monthly Wrap-Up Podcast!

Hey everyone! :wave:

Some exciting news: We have a new podcast! The Meteor Monthly Wrap-Up is just what it sounds like: A brief update on the major items we’ve released in the past month.

Check it out here. We hope you enjoy it!

The podcast is part of our effort to communicate more effectively with our growing community. In this first episode @matthollingsworth and @FilipeNevola go into Meteor 1.11, key updates to Galaxy Hosting and much more.

We’ve been busy :slightly_smiling_face:

Feedback? We’d love to hear from you. Respond here, or send us an email at

Also be sure to subscribe on Apple podcast and Spotify (other providers coming soon!)


This is great! I for one really appreciate the communication effort from your team, it surely will strengthen the overall community spirit.

A lot of developers tend to underestimate the social, psychological, and community dimensions of software and open source development. While from the outside and at the surface, software development seems to be an isolating technical profession, however, if you look closer, you will find that there is a lot of relationship management, psychology, and communication required to build any value-adding product.

Open source projects, even more than others, thrives on a healthy, positive, and engaged community, so in my mind this is critical.

All that to say, thank you for keeping us in the loop, and I can see Meteor is growing fast as days go by as it should be :+1:


This is indeed awesome! Keep up the great work!


Agree @alawi. I think it’s also being more visible with new updates and the things we’re doing.

We’ve talked to a lot of devs recently who were outside of the active community and didn’t now what we have done over the past six months. As a result, they’re maybe unhappy or struggling when their blockers could have been solved by new additions on the Galaxy or the Open Source side. This is one of the efforts to communicate better :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for listening!


Thanks @cloudspider. More exciting things to come!

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Just listened to it, this is great! I love the short format, well done.


Exciting times for Meteor and our community. :smiley:

If you have ideas or parts of Meteor that you would like to know more about please send to us at :rocket:


I’ve been jones-ing for a Meteor podcast for years. I’ve just subscribed and look forward to listening!


Yes, good work guys, it’s good to hear about what’s new. Keep up the good work!