Antd 2.0 released in English - the best React components library 👍

Update: uniforms-antd is ready and will be published tomorrow!


What is the upside to uniforms over the naive form features in antd?

You can render the form from a schema definition with Autoform, thus the schema definition and UI setup has one source in some projects. Making it much more generic and maintainable.

1 Like

Could we use any component of antd such as DatePicker, TreeSelect, ...

Yes. I would recommend working through the uniforms documentation. Custom field components can be implemented in various ways, such as customautofield or simpleschema-definition. Thus you can build a field component and connect it to the form through the schema definition.

Thanks! I’m using their native Form package. I’m wondering about the cost/benefit of each option. I do use simple schema, so it could work for me.

Thanks @mrmsupport, could you create simple admin template repo like antd-admin template (Meteor + Antd + Uniform).
Thanks for your helping.

Is antd better than bootstrap? If so, how?

I am using bootstrap right now.

It have many component such as: select, tree select, date time picker, smart table ...

Has anyone been able to get postcss working while using antd and meteor? How are you setting it up?

meteor remove standard-minifier-css

meteor add juliancwirko:postcss

my .less files are in client folder and I pull in antd styles into the top of the less file like so:

@import '{}/node_modules/antd/dist/antd.less';

then package.json

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  "dependencies": {
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antd just has almost every component you need, so no more hitting npm looking for a bootstrap-react version of XYZ component. Antds grid is a lot like boostrap, but has flexbox helpers. It has a pretty solid Form function (no need to rely on a formsy package) I think the styles are a lot better for antd (kind of a dropbox feel). Lastly, they have a ton of examples in the docs and each component has a bunch of options to it.

And I think they’re backed by antd financial (could be wrong). Bootstrap react seems to rely on good will PRs. There’s another boostrap 4 react repo that seems to be gaining popularity too, so who knows which will win out.

I really hope they get better english support for their react-native library.

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Thanks for clarifying.

I am working on a social network site. I hope it suits my projects need.

I think you’ll be happier using antd over bootstrap no matter what you build. antd has everything bootstrap has plus some.

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Unfortunately the Semantic theme version of Antd is very lacking to be something useful. :frowning2:

I’m just now trying out Ant Design, and can’t get it working with Meteor. I have the following .babelrc:

  "presets": [
  "plugins": [
    ["import", {
      "libraryName": "antd",
      "style": "css"

And the following page:

import React from 'react';
import { Input } from 'antd';

const Home = () => {
  return <div>
      <Input placeholder="Whatever" />

export default Home;

I still get the browser warning:

You are using a whole package of antd,
please use to reduce app bundle size.

And the input rendered on the page is just the plain old HTML input. What am I missing here? Even changing the import to this:

import Input from 'antd/lib/input';

doesn’t work. The browser warning is gone, but the input is still definitely not Ant Design’s.

Getting the same here. Also, the console shows this additional error:

Also, your typings definitions are definitely not the way they should be - did you actually test those if they actually worked with TypeScript? Because currently they don’t.

You might find the answers you need in this demo : Meteor Uniforms demo

The code is on github :

( Disclaimer – I haven’t tried “Antd” myself, yet. )

did you meteor npm install indexof?

I currently am not using babel with this. I just do

import { Button } from 'antd;

I did come across this:

Good links:

No. Because there’s no such package I’d like to install.