Antd 2.0 released in English - the best React components library šŸ‘

Hi @enzolutions
As I said, AFAIK in Meteor using antd with babel plugin import is still broken. Unless there is something you really need from Meteor version for doing your development at the moment, I would recommend setting your project to use Meteor (I think is also still ok) - donā€™t use Meteor

When you use Meteor, you can use antd the normal way that is described on antdā€™s website (there are clear instructions there but roughly: install antd and babel-plugin-import, add
["import", { "libraryName": "antd", "style": "css" }],
under ā€œpluginsā€ in your .babelrc file and in your source files include any components that you need with e.g.
import { Radio } from "antd";
Thatā€™s all you need and you donā€™t need to include css manually. It gets included

Oh I use Meteor, have the same problem @raycone.
Waiting to fixā€¦

Is there anything new regarding the fix?

Still having the ā€˜You are using a whole package of antdā€¦ā€™ issue with meteor 1.6.1 ((
The only solution Iā€™ve found is to use babel-plugin-import and import styles explicitly :open_mouth:


  "plugins": [
        "libraryName": "antd",
        "style": true


import DatePicker from 'antd/lib/date-picker'
import 'antd/lib/date-picker/style/css'
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Btw, Antd is really huge!
When I import single DatePicker component my app grows in size for 400kb ungzipped!
Button component adds 150kbā€¦ and so on.

Hi All Dear,

I have failed to find the solution for changing the theme color from blue to green color please can any one help me ?
bundle of thanks in advance

Currently I created a variables.less file that is being imported after the antd.less file and defined @primary-1 -> @primary-10 variables and also the @primary-color: @primary-6 and everything works.

it is the second way suggested in the theming section of the library