Does anybody know of some android apps that were made with meteor and packaged up by cordova? I wanna play around with some.
There are the two examples projects from the meteor team (I think written by Percolate):
I played around and made one for my brewery (Tin Whiskers) that is in the apple and android stores. That app has a web interface at Check out the repository. It’s less polished than the Meteor examples and I’d probably be more likely to accept a pull request if you actually wanted to improve something while playing around
oo nice. Did you use anything besides “vanilla” meteor in regards to the mobile aspects? Were you able to keep a single codebase?
single codebase yes, but there is some mobile specific code to do things like intercepting the back button. Its basically just cordova and webviews.
I did use a number of packages but I think that still constitutes as vanilla meteor.
Have you looked at using ionic for anything? Maybe something like the meteoric package?