Apollo PubSub Not Working After Upgrade to Meteor 2.3? [SOLVED]

After upgrading to Meteor 2.3, with no other changes made, my calls to PostgresPubSub.pubsub have stopped working.

         import {PostgresPubSub} from 'graphql-postgres-subscriptions';

         const pubsub = new PostgresPubSub({
               // setup options

Calling pubsub.publish() no longer results in a call to my subscription filter function. E.g. calling this in an Apollo mutation resolver:

         pubsub.publish(IM_ADDED_CHANNEL, {

…no longer results in a call to this:

        InstantMessage_Subscription: {
            subscribe: withFilter(
                () => {
                    console.log(`subscribed to InstantMessage_Subscription by ${Meteor.userId()}`);
                    return pubsub.asyncIterator(IM_ADDED_CHANNEL)
                (objectToPublish, args, context) => {
                    debugger; <== NEVER ACTIVATES

Does anyone have pubsub working with Apollo after updating to Meteor 2.3?


Possibly it had something to with the node upgrade. The code I was using to set up pubsub:

	import {PostgresPubSub} from 'graphql-postgres-subscriptions';

	 const pubsub = new PostgresPubSub({
	     user: Meteor.settings.postgres[Meteor.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production'].dbuser,
	     host: Meteor.settings.postgres[Meteor.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production'].host,
	     database: Meteor.settings.postgres[Meteor.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production'].dbname,
	     password: Meteor.settings.postgres[Meteor.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production'].dbpsd,
	     port: Meteor.settings.postgres[Meteor.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production'].port,

…stopped working for some reason. I updated to:

	import {PostgresPubSub} from 'graphql-postgres-subscriptions';
	import { Client } from "pg"

	const client = new Client({
		user: Meteor.settings.postgres[Meteor.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production'].dbuser,
		host: Meteor.settings.postgres[Meteor.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production'].host,
		database: Meteor.settings.postgres[Meteor.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production'].dbname,
		password: Meteor.settings.postgres[Meteor.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production'].dbpsd,
		port: Meteor.settings.postgres[Meteor.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production'].port,
	const pubsub = new PostgresPubSub({ client });

…and, pubsub is working again.