Apometact - my Apollo, Meteor and React example application

Hey there,
3 weeks ago I decided to checkout Apollo and use it in a simple Meteor/React project. The lacking documentation made it a bit difficult to get started, but once I tackled the most challenging parts going further wasn’t a problem. I’ve decided to share the source code https://github.com/janikvonrotz/apometact and my experience https://janikvonrotz.ch/2016/10/09/graphql-with-apollo-meteor-and-react/ with the community.

Hope it’s a help to somebody using the same stack…


Only one way to solve it - please contribute to the docs to make them better :]

Or, at least file some issues with suggested improvements.

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Didn’t want to offend anybody. Just wanted share my experience. There are a few things I would like to see. I will file them…

No offense taken, just pointing to the solution!

Thanks for the tipp, Jonas Helfer has already responded to my issue https://github.com/apollostack/react-docs/issues/80

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