Are there any options to stop retrying in waitUntilCaughtUp for oplog?


MongoDB Atlas now supports free plan, and I am trying it.
Free tier of Atlas does not support querying oplog with an ns other than a string.
So when you set oplog, Meteor continues to output “Got exception while reading last entry: MongoError: querying oplog with an ns other than a string is not supported in this atlas tier” every 100ms.

I accept fallbacks to polling in the case "with an ns other than a string"
Is it possible to stop retrying every 100ms for this exception and fallback to polling in that case?

I’m seeing the same output as you are, using Atlas free plan.
I’m not sure that you can avoid this retry, but sure as hell would be great for testing Atlas’ service

You can probably get an easy solution printing console through Grep, removing all incidences of this exception.

I’m running Meteor 1.4.4 with this grep pipe (for now):
meteor | grep -v 'Got exception while reading last entry: MongoError: querying oplog with an ns other than a string is not supported in this atlas tier'

Just moved my db over from

After following OKGrow!'s excellent instructions I’m also getting these messages. Any solution for that? The URI for the MONGO_URL is different when provided by Atlas in their console than what OKGrow! wrote

The free Atlas tier is not ideal for meteor applications, as it does not provide access to the MONGO_OPLOG.

Only way to stop those messages is to use the grep solution provided by @gabrielbalsa or move your app to a paid tier. This was the guidance I received from Mongo DB support team.

I wasn’t aware that they don’t provide access to MONGO_OPLOG on their free tier. For me it’s testing right now, I know they limit to 100 transactions per second which is limiting already and given me not a real “apples to apples” view of comparing Compose vs Atlas in terms of performance.

What I do see on the positive side though is that the database size is 92 MB vs 4 GB on Compose!!!

That’s why I want to move away from Compose, their inflexibility to overcharge for an empty database because they keep up on the old pre WT Mongo db version isn’t working with me. I find it a rip off.

Unfortunately Atlas has made it extremely difficult so far to switch over to them. No easy solution to move the db over and whilst their support is quick (amazingly quick to shitty Galaxy support) it’s mostly copying command line examples which is quite frankly not a solution for me. I’m the business leader of my company and not the Sysadmin, that’s why I’m looking at managed services in the first place.

I have taken our the MONGO_OPLOG_URL right now but it seems that created other problems as I can’t connect to the Atlas database anymore

Ask your Mongo Atlas rep for a coupon, there were a few offered when the service launched. This should give you enough credit to at least test your app out on Atlas.

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I tried Oplog on MongoDB Atlas free plan after a long time since now it is updated to version 3.6.

The Problem “Got exception while reading last entry: MongoError: querying oplog with an ns other than a string is not supported in this atlas tier” never happens.

Oplog seems to work well on the free plan now.