Are there any updates about going mobile with Meteor?

Hi everybody. I’m looking for the high-performance cordova framework for meteor.
The last time I used meteoric:ionic the app was a bit laggy in some situations (e.g. nav slider). The same thing was with famous-views, some animations on Android were jerky too and that’s quite not what I’ve expected from

I think I’ll go with Meteoric again. Just want to check if there are some better solutions for meteor now.



I’m in the same boat, I’ve checked Meteoric and other CSS frameworks.

In the end I decided to go with Materialize CSS because of the nice components and colours. You can get a good-looking app very quickly by using it. I preferred using it over Meteoric because it has more components and options and a bigger community behind it (10k+ stars on github).

Would you say that Materialize adds a native-feeling to it such as Meteoric does? :smile:

It is nowhere close to being as performant as native but it certainly gives a native “feeling” to your app. I suggest you toy around with it and see if it suits your needs.

Fair enough. Would you say performant enough for a small-scale production app?

We’re using Materialize in the app we’re building at work.
It’s early days (<3) yet, but it does look good.

I’m feeling uncomfortable with Meteoric as well. The UI is nice but it’s still laggy. I wonder if this is a Cordova limitation or the problem comes when integrating with Meteor.

Maybe I’ll give a shot with MaterializeCSS. I simply don’t feel meteoric is production-ready.