Article: Serve your Meteor JS/CSS bundles and public assets from cloudfront

Thanks to some former posts about performances and the help of @paulishca I have written the following article about some load optimization by serving your Meteor JS/CSS bundles and public assets through Cloudfront CDN. It’s more a self-documentation than anything else but I thought it could be useful for others. We gained a lot during peaks thanks to this little tweak.


I have Cloudfront set up to serve my app, and I want to go through the options you recommend.

I’ve clicked around in the AWS console, but don’t yet see how to access the settings pages you show in the screen shots:

  • Origin domain
  • Default cache behavior
  • Cache key and origin requests
  • Settings

I’m sure it’s right in front of me. :slight_smile: What do I need to click to get to these settings?

Since the last 2 years you don’t need to do this. Even with Cloudflare free tier it’s auto caching and pre-loading just enable rocket loader. If you go pro you can then enable Argo and the premium routing which increases asset loading by around 30% to 50% it’s $20 a month plus usage of argo for a small app would be only $5 so anyone can afford it. The image optimization also is free for first 10k requests so they basically giving it away right now… make good use of it

The screens come from when you create a new cloudfront. But you can reach them again one by one going in the tab of your existing cloudfront and clicking on the settings and edit. Hope you’ll find it.

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Never said there is no alternative, just using this one which works and cloudfront is pretty cheap too.

I guess Cloudflare needs some setup too (I am not on Meteor Cloud), would be nice if you could share it!

Cloudflare is a two line setup agnostic of any platform you just change your name servers it takes around 5 minutes. Your guide is out of date.

Something that works is not out of date. The fact there are other solutions doesn’t make this solution out of date. And if you’d actually check it it’s not that much of a big deal and you get control of what you do.

Not saying the Cloudfare solution is not good, probably just as great, maybe even better, doesn’t make this solution out of date however.

But if you’d take the time to really say how to implement it, not just saying “it’s easy just two lines” when you see plenty of posts about infinite loop with Cloudflare - which seems solvable - that’d probably be more useful for the community.


Hi, I’d suggest more constructive feedback rather than … this is wrong because you can do it another way. For things that you can do another way, please feel free to write an article about it. We want to encourage the production and distribution of knowledge …


Dude you just change your nameservers to the cloudflare ones, that’s it. Job done. You don’t need to do anything else. Once they propagates you setup cache and turn on Argo. Finished.

Anyway, I’m in talk with solutions engineer from Cloudflare and he is much more useful than you.

This need to bring down any initiative is pretty annoying.

And for the record he is not really advising using rocket loader so thanks for your great advice!

I will close this discussion with you now. The solution provided in the article works, fullfil the job very nicely and may not have everything you need but ain’t that much of a deal to implement. For those who don’t want to use 200 services and are already on AWS it’s just great.