Arunoda coming back to Meteor?

This is all good news :slight_smile: I need to restart my vue ddp project again :sweat_smile:


Thanks Arunoda for sharing your thoughts. Actually, I also missed you when you left, since you were one of my main inspirations at that time, and I learned a lot from you. I don’t expect you to work with Meteor again, but it’s great to see you here.


One great package missing from this list is meteor-desktop which adds Electron as a first-class build target. My business relies heavily on this and it’s a fantastic way to get a Meteor app bundled as a cross-platform desktop application.


@arunoda @filipenevola – seen in a previous thread. The post quoted was directed to MDG, and also was potential advice to Tiny. :slight_smile:


Thanks @efrancis, yes it is missing here.

I’ve created another thread for this list, please share you comment there so we (as a community) can co-create this list.

I agree with this comment, that was indeed a business and management blunder for ages.

Anyway, we’ll keep this thread for Arunoda :slight_smile:

@zodern is maintaining Monti APM:) We’re happy customers!


That’s a really poor attitude towards someone who literally gave years of their life working for free to build the foundations for a good chunk of the Meteor ecosystem.

Shooting the messenger and blaming people who point out Meteor’s issues might feel good, but it’s not going to do one bit to fix these very real issues, and it’s not a great look for you.


Actually, I’ve to agree with @vlasky on this one, he made a factual observation, at least to my mind.

There is indeed a lot of misinformation and FUD around Meteor (and also valid criticism), and there is a personality cult around his name.

People who never used the tech, sitting on the fence repeating what everyone else is saying even inside the Meteor forum despite clear facts, it is a waste of energy and they are indeed losers, they lost an opportunity to use their time/energy better and build something profitable with the tech, instead of just fiddling around with JS frameworks.

I don’t think vlasky statements undermine Arunoda (and his team) work, they are very factual and so his contribution. But @vlasky work has been undermined by misinformation and FUD, he has been saying there is SQL support for years yet he/we gets the same false rehearsed messages (it does not scale, no SQL support, nextjs/x is better, it’s for toy projects, it’s not secure, and the infamous declaration it is dead…)

We (as a community) keep complaining about the FUD outside the Meteor forum, yet inside the forum, we don’t make the effort to correct the misinformation. So I’ve to agree with @vlasky on this one.

He was making a profit (Kadira/MUP) and I think he would have made more money if he waited little more especially with GitHub sponsorship, I’m willing to bet that the entire Meteor community would have paid him (even now if he decides to contribute again), it was indeed a loss and I think MDG has a large part to play with it.


I guess if you’re charitable you can read his post in a better light, but I thought the overall tone (calling people “losers”) was unwarranted. Anyway I don’t want to derail the discussion in a negative way so my apologies if I overreacted.



This is filler text - please ignore


That’s why I did not say goodbye to the Meteor forum when I needed a break. I’m still a huge fan, but unfortunately I was so occupied with other stuff on other frameworks for the companies I work for that I did not have a lot of spare-time to remain active on the Meteor forum.

Actually I’ve lately been spending my time on teaching people why they should not do everything themselves. The benefit of freedom does almost never outweigh the burden of having to maintain your own codebase on area’s that are not the core business. Even worse, that code is almost always less efficient, un- or badly tested and has almost no documentation, no community and might even require full rewrite, because of bad practices in core parts of the API.

I’ve been on repeat for the last couple of years: “Do we want to deliver value? Or do we want to deliver code?” “Do you need to build your own BFF? Why do you hate Meteor, but love building BFF’s? Are you and your business THAT special? Seems to me that we’re just building another webshop?”


Thanks for this comprehensive list.

It should be part of the homepage in the section Why Meteor?

Tutorials for using MySQL, Grapher and RedisOplog would be fine, so that even newcomers see the broadness and scalability of Meteor.


Thanks @qnipp!

The list has its own thread now, check it out. Also, please like and share any suggestions you might have.

Yeah, once it is stable, I’ll try to discuss it with them to see where to best include it. There are a lot of great work within and around Meteor that needs to be made more visible to the external audience.


Happy to see you’re back here @arunoda !


Yep. Anyone mention any problem past or present and they get accused and attacked. Not a way for a community to grow itself.I feel better about it though. If arunoda gets that then anyone can (and does).


Btw, I also think there’s a lot of FUD that has hurt Meteor. But:

  1. Arunoda owes us nothing.
  2. Meteor was hurt way more by the lack of attention and poor (nonexistent) communication it received from MDG after they pivoted towards apollo.

In case anyone wants to listen to a good podcast by the Meteor/Apollo Founder Geoff Schmidt, I enjoyed listening to this recent podcast from Jan 2020.

I really think Meteor was their favorite product, but it wasn’t making as much money as Apollo. Apollo was the the product that the VC backed startup market wanted. And it’s great to have Apollo, but Apollo is not the place to start for new app development.

Meteor is the product for making new apps, with extreme dev productivity. And I enjoyed that he says maybe Apollo will get to where Meteor is one day. :grinning:

Now that everything has settled, it’s fun to be growing Meteor as a Community again! :rocket:. A technology that is ahead of its time, Meteor, will always eventually reach the point where the world is ready for it.


I think it would be even more fun fun to have regular meetups. Start small and increase over time :slight_smile:. I like What @filipenevola is doing with the online meetups in Zoom :slight_smile:


I just wish those weren’t at 8:00am :sweat_smile:


Everyone love more videos on topics! I’m like “async” a bit more than “sync” for meetings & videos, because I like to just get around to watching content when I need it :grinning:

Since we are a world of devs, I think it’s cool for small groups, even 1 person, to make videos and share them more often. Then anyone can watch them when it’s good for them.

A tool I really like & use because it’s just the fastest way to create & get a video up to a cloud server is Loom. Consider giving this a shot of you personally want to record more videos for the community!

An :+1::+1:(two thumbs up) for @filipenevola starting the regular live Zoom meetings & sharing the recordings.