Async await inside Meteor.method

From this article

async function asyncFun () {
  var value = await Promise
    .then(x => x * 3)
    .then(x => x + 5)
    .then(x => x / 2);
  return value;

Meteor.startup(() => {
asyncFun().then(x => console.log(`x: ${x}`));
// <- 'x: 4'

But how would you put asyncFun inside Meteor.method and call it?


    async asyncFun () {
        var value = await Promise
            .then(x => x * 3 )
            .then(x=> x + 5)
            .then(x=> x / 2);
        return value;

Meteor.startup(() => {
asyncFun().then(x => console.log(`x: ${x}`)); <-- now asyncFunc is not defined?

As I understand that you need to place functions inside Meteor.methods so that client side can also call it?