Atmosphere packages constraint


Could one tell me how atmosphere packages constraint works when i didnt specify the exact version?
I tried to update meteor and see many errors like this " :

Conflict: Constraint accounts-base@1.2.8 is not satisfied by accounts-base 2.0.0.
Constraints on package “accounts-base”:

  • accounts-base@~2.0.0 ← top level
  • accounts-base@1.2.8 ← impersonating1.2.0

But in package impersonating there is no exact version constrain, only thing is :

Package.onUse( function(api) {

So there must be something i dont know, as there is nothing that wants 1.2.8 version explicite.

Hi, what is the version of Meteor that you are running?

Do you have access to the code from this package? You could add this line (versionsFrom) to specify from which version of Meteor you want to get core packages:

Package.onUse( function(api) {
  api.versionsFrom('2.5'); // or your meteor current version