Attaching multiple schema to same collection

I have two forms and two schema that don’t have anything in common. But I still need them to be stored in the same collection.


schema1 = new SimpleSchema({ field1, field2, field3 });

schema2 = new SimpleSchema({ fieldX, fieldY, fieldZ });

From Collection2 documentation it is understood that the above method will actually merge both the schema into a single big schema. This means that both form must have all fields belonging to both schema.

This means that I can’t have an autoForm with just schema1 and another autoform with just schema2.

As per the documentation, I tried implementing replace: true - by which, the schema gets overwritten each time. ( At least this is how I understand it - they don’t get merged into a big schema)


schema1 = new SimpleSchema({ field1, field2, field3 });
collection.attachSchema(schema1, {replace: true});

schema2 = new SimpleSchema({ fieldX, fieldY, fieldZ });
collection.attachSchema(schema2 {replace: true});

The above still does not fix the issue and Somehow, the schemas still get merged. Meaning, I still get notified that FieldX is blank in autoform1 even though there is no provision for fieldX to be filled.

I Also tried the other approach where in you use variations.


schema1 = new SimpleSchema({ field1, field2, field3 });
collection.attachSchema(schema1, {selector: {type: 'forForm1'}});

schema2 = new SimpleSchema({ fieldX, fieldY, fieldZ });
collection.attachSchema(schema2, {selector: {type: 'forForm2'}});

When I implement the above, I get an autoform error saying that an argument to doc must be passed when dealing with multiple schema.

How exactly do I do this?

The documentation specifically states :

Now both schemas are attached. When you insert a document where type: ‘simple’ in the document, it will validate against only the SimpleProductSchema. When you insert a document where type: ‘variant’ in the document, it will validate against only the VariantProductSchema.

I Don’t know how I need to pass doc = ??? in the template. Could someone guide me?

This is my autoform template:


{{#autoForm    collection = "pgTemplates"  type ="insert" doc= ???? id ="InsertForm1" }}
{{#each afFieldNames}}
{{> afQuickField options = afOptionsFromSchema  }}


{{#autoForm    collection = "pgTemplates"  type ="insert" doc= ???? id ="InsertForm1" }}
{{#each afFieldNames}}
{{> afQuickField options = afOptionsFromSchema  }}

Hi, DId you ever figure how to do this? I am stuck with the same problem

Nowadays you can attach multiple schemas to the same collection. Here’s how: