Audio to text with Meteor

Hi Guys

Does anyone has any information on how to convert a recorded audio to a text.

The audio is been shared to the client.

Any packages suggestion, Tutorials will be much appreciated.

Thank you.

This may help|+AW+SEM+|+BKWS+~+T1+|+EXA+|+ML+|+1:1+|+VN+|+en+|+Speech+|+google+speech+to+text-KWID_43700030970538364-kwd-21425535976&userloc_9040331&utm_term=KW_google%20speech%20to%20text&&gclid=CjwKCAjwstfkBRBoEiwADTmnEEftFt_TqkEAFT-CCtsQCd3yr7iaaRXcznbNQqPLQ-BaUmVdRoLWwBoC-OcQAvD_BwE

I don’t if there are apps for converting :face_with_monocle: Sincerely, I hadn’t seen any of the good tutorials about converting audio to the text. When I had to make a presentation for my work, I had a lot of information like audio files, which could be useful. So I found this website which provides excellent transcription services reviews and comfy pricing calculators. I used one service that they recommended, calculated how much I need to pay, and chose transcription option which suited me.Work has been completed in 3 days and after this I made the best presentation in my life. Try to write them, I’m sure they will help u!